Just here for good conversation with good people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Phone books were useful at one point, though less so for individuals.

    Not saying you’re wrong but it reminded me of a moment when I was a kid. I was all of five years old when I got lost in rural Arizona. I was visiting my grandparents and my cousin and I went out looking for turtles after a monsoon the night before. I got separated from my older cousin and then lost. I wandered around for hours until I found the main road that led through a nearby small town. I managed to hitchhike to the local trading post where the clerk managed to find my grandparents phone number to let them know they had found me.

    They were sometimes useful. Also, they were great for prank calls.

  • Please forgive me because after a really shitty day at work I’m going to be direct and say “it’s not you.” I don’t know you or your work situation, but I have worked with so many people that felt this way. I feel this way sometimes too. I think a lot of people on Lemmy will say they feel this way at times. Hell I bet your coworkers feel this sometimes too.

    Work sucks. It sucks more than ever too. Most companies are running on skeleton crews. Someone leaves, takes a sick day, or takes PTO, and the whole thing falls apart. You’re still expected to somehow optimize through all of this instead of the company hiring additional people.

    Fuck that. You’re awesome because you show up and do your job through all the bullshit. I have worked with people that don’t always put up the best “metrics”, or whatever bullshit measurement your middle manager uses to make themselves look good, but those folks brought other soft skills to the team that made the day better.

    You’re human. Vent. Rant. Be upset. Feel your feelings. We all know the current situation sucks and no one can blame you for needing to get it off your chest. More people need to speak up and point out how shitty it is because it’s just getting worse.

    Anyway, if you want someone to vent with then DM me and we can complain together, maybe start a riot or something.

  • I feel like the perfect album can exist for anyone. Sometimes an album hits just right at a specific time in your life. It becomes the background soundtrack for your day to day life. For me, it is The Postal Service’s Give Up. There are so many reasons I love that album and to me there are no throwaway songs. It feels altogether ephemeral for me.

    So yeah, it’s highly subjective, but I think it’s possible for all of us to experience music on this level. I hope you one day experience it, OP.

  • Not OP but I will take a shot at answering this.

    One, fragrance isn’t really regulated. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to exposure to synthetic musks and other synthetics. Studies have found certain musks in tissue and breast milk. They could be linked to issues within the endocrine system. As others have pointed out, these detergents that use high amounts of fragrance can cause skin and respiratory issues.

    Two, and I say this as someone that really enjoys the sense of smell, musk is over used. Post WWII every cleaning product began using musk as the main fragrance. Since then, it has become synonymous with clean clothes. Galaxaloid, the main synthetic musk used these days, is in everything including our environment. I remember reading about it being an issue in the Great Lakes.

    Lastly, I just find musks to be nauseating. 🤷‍♂️