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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The good people would probably either not want to waste their time hurting people or they would get tired of it very quickly(we ain’t all perfect). Like if Trump died I’d be elated but it’s because he would no longer be poisoning the world with his presence and not because I personally want to beat his face in for eternity.

    To be honest I think the hell I would want for these people would be a forced injection of critical thinking skills and empathy, with mandatory classes on all of the harm they did, so they could ultimately be their own punishment. At that point the most participation I would want would be my turn explaining how they people hurt me and the people I care about.

  • I remember, and maybe I misunderstood, when he was up against Biden last time and the biggest issue he had was that Elizabeth Warren’s similar message split votes. She was clearly losing but for some reason stayed in and siphoned votes away from him just long enough for him to back out.

    More people wanted either Sanders or Warren than wanted Biden but ya’ll ended up with Biden. We have the same problem here in Canada where more vastly more people hate the Conservatives than support them and yet that party always ends up dangerously close to gaining power.

  • When two workers started working from home I heard a manager say “how am I supposed to know they’re getting work done?” as if he couldn’t see the results all appear on the server. And he never even really spoke to them when they were in the office anyway! Meanwhile I’m a “hard worker” while in my office watching four hours of Critical Role a day bored out of my skull because I finished all the work already. I tried to get more to do but my direct manager/senior coworker was too paranoid to let me touch anything else even though he was insanely overworked.

    Oh and the dipshit manager spent at least an hour if his day talking conservative nonsense with another employee. Like, bro, get a fucking clue.

  • In the same way that North Korea has “Democratic” in the name, sure. It’s all so surface level as to be essentially meaningless. While I agree that fairness does involve some arguing of that kind of a technicality it really only serves to validate the idea that Israel is justified in any way.

    Israel wants to eradicate an entire culture and their people. They want to steal their land and are doing so with the help of major world powers. They bomb hospitals, shoot civilians, and terrorize Palestinians on the basis that they’re somehow owed that land. Hamas retaliated and now Israel is complaining by obliterating the entire country. The “peace” this lady wants is the peace for Israel to continue to do these things without retaliation. She doesn’t want peace, she wants submission.

    The mega rich are just terrified of consequences and try, every day, to get their poor behaviour and lack of humanity written into laws and precedent so that they don’t have to ever to take blame for any of the rotten shit they pull.

  • It would be the same as ending the war Ukraine by letting Russia keep what they stole. Zero incentive not to keep doing it and it validates the side of the aggressor by saying “wow you both need to stop fighting”.

    Right-wingers love to cite self-defense as reasons why they should own guns and be able to shoot people who simply knock on their front door but the second a brown person does it after years of being systematically oppressed/genocided suddenly they’re just as guilty as the oppressor, if not more so.

    In short, wanting peace in that way is a pretty little lie meant to legitimize terror campaigns and invalidate the damage done to the victims. It’s full of horseshit.