
  • 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Why don’t communities on Lemmy require “karma” minimums? Because admins remove bots and trolls. If reddit were not a completely toxic site, they could have done so as well.

    1. From a technical standpoint: There’s no karma, just tracking amounts of posts/comments.
    2. There’s no automod to enforce it (Well maybe idk, not integrated I know that much.).
    3. There’s also the fact that the entirety of of the lemmy fediverse probably gets less posts overall each day then r/funny gets in just spam. It’s really easy to manually boop 5-10 spammers in a given day. 5-10,000 though? Not happening. Top that off with even a small percentage who might be trying to dodge technical hurdles put in their way? Lot harder.

  • The first thing you’ll learn when you start using Reddit is that karma matters.

    To an extent, but not really that great of one. Once you’re past like… a hundred, you’re fine basically everywhere of note.

    Lots of communities have a minimum.

    Basically every community of note that I modded did. Kept out a lot of shitters. Sure some regular folks might’ve gotten hit in the crossfire but omelettes, eggs, and nothing better from the admin side to stop the previously mentioned shitters.

    There are communities dedicated to building karma.

    We’d ban people who used those ngl, cuz guess who else used those subs?

    There are secret clubs for high karma earners.

    They aren’t as interesting as you might think. Source: Was in several. Lot of similar names shooting the shit. Secret mod subs were like that too tbh.

  • Karma matters early on posting on reddit cuz many subreddits blocked negative karma posters via automod. Later it became more granular with subreddit specific karma. After several years there I had 6 digit karma spread across all my regular haunts which granted me a degree of freedom to get downvoted wherever cuz I had stockpiles to dip into.

    On lemmy that doesn’t apply.

  • Isn’t this what upvotes and downvotes are for?

    If they let up and downvotes run the site there’d be dicks on the front page of r/aww on the daily.

    10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby.

    I always explained it thusly when I modded: We don’t want a content creator with a reddit account, we want a redditor who does some content creation. Plenty of site to participate in and plenty to talk/post about that doesn’t involve your thing.

    I don’t know the particulars in your case nor am I especially interested in going on reddit to learn them but if that mod is saying tone it back some, then tone it back some. Tone it back more then the 10% so it doesn’t look like you’re trying to game the system too much.

  • When a new episode of a Disney series comes out, a post is made promoting it and no one is warned for self promotion despite the post very likely coming from Disney Marketing

    Situational. There are absolutely folks obsessed with meaningless internet points who are all too eager to get that first post about Herp Derp: The Series, a D list celeb from that show you liked dying, or crossposting a meme about birds to every bird, meme, bird meme and meme bird subreddit out there. Gallowboob got a literal job from doing it. This doesn’t mean that bots aren’t doing it as well, just that sometimes they aren’t necessary.