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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024


  • Really?? The Vice President of the United States, second only to the President, has no control over policies being made in the United States? She doesn’t have a podium to address her citizens and her fellow politicians to speak her mind and influence public opinion? She doesn’t preside over the senate to cast tie-breaking votes so that she can help sway decisions? She doesn’t have the ability to make a campaign promise, as the Democratic candidate for President, to stop arming Israel while they slaughter innocents?

    No, she has a lot of power to help influence decisions. She’s just scared to because of that sweet sweet AIPAC money.

  • If Israel gets a sane, non-racist government

    If Israel was run by a sane, non-racist government we would never have had Israel to begin with. People would have recognized how immoral the whole founding of the country is and stopped right then and there.

    Zionism doesn’t encompass all Jews. The anti-Israel Jews aren’t necessarily anti-Israel because of the current war or the historical mistreatment and oppression of Palestinians (which are VERY good reasons to dislike Israel as well). They’re anti-Israel because they recognize that Zionism is nothing more than a nationalistic ideal with little to no basis on their faith. The person in this article says as much herself:

    As a Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium, I must note, I’m accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation

    It’s not just the war she disagrees with. It’s the existence and justification of Israel as well.

  • The point of my original comment was on how bad compromise is in these scenarios. We got to this point where we are arguing for basic human decency with complete sociopaths. When I read your post all I could think of is “this is literally asking us to choose which demographic we should screw over for the sake of appeasement and compromise”.

    I know I’m coming off really bitter, and none of it is targeted towards you. I’m just really tired of this all.

  • Oh yeah, I 100% agree with you. I don’t know what OP was thinking when making this post and listing those points.

    How the hell did we even get into a situation where this is what we are choosing between? Or rather, a situation where roughly half our country actually thinks this is a choice and not just blatantly obvious based on basic morality.

    Easy, we compromised :). We said ok we’ll meet you halfway on things that are absolutely crucial to humans rights for the sake of progress. Over the decades the right got more and more extreme as we continued compromising. It’s not just in the US. I see it here in Canada as well. I really hate it.