Just gonna leave this here, since the verge is so ‘fancy’: The perfect site
Just gonna leave this here, since the verge is so ‘fancy’: The perfect site
Yeah, volume keys are what I’ve been using the past ten years or so. Only one office key got blacklisted so far. Overall a pretty good deal.
Wow, I just read the wiki. It has a 64 Megabyte tape storage, so after it realigns the antenna they can receive the data they’ve missed. Pretty state of the art for 1977. I wonder how they shielded it from radiation. The fuel source of the reactor lasts probably until 2026. After that, it’ll travel as a brick, most likely long after humans rm -rf’d
I have a DeLonghi Magnifica since 2014, it might not be the best machine but the availability of cheap replacement parts is great. I’ve replaced a heater element, filter and a water tank so far. Opening up the machine is easy and all electrical connection are spade connectors.
Dang, thats the one I meant! Had to search it and only found this one.