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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • And… What is the conservative argument? That we shouldn’t have to submit to something as unremarkable as a vaccine, even for the sake of the safety of our fellow citizens?

    Does that thought also apply to the draft? Should I have to defend my fellow countrymen if we are attacked? What if I don’t believe defending my country would benefit me personally?

    The reason people like you talk in smug platitudes is because there is no consistency in your ideology. You just mouth off generalities and then insults when pressed about the massive amounts of cognitive dissonance you point of view rest upon.

    I stopped talking and started listening

    Lol, this is your version of “stopped talking”? How about you go ahead and practice that aspect just a little harder?

  • lol the Covid shot doesn’t stop the spread

    And the flu shot doesn’t stop the spread of the flu… Because that’s not the point of the flu shot.

    The whole point was to lessen the transmission rate and to reduce the severity of the illness. Which the COVID vaccine did very well, especially in at-risk communities.

    firing people if they didn’t take a medical procedure or not letting them participate in society is very Soviet Union of them.

    You know we’ve been doing that since polio… Right? You can’t get into public schools without immunization paperwork. The only reason you have an opinion about vaccines is because the GOP told you what opinion you should have.

  • And the way your framing this intentionally diminishes the clear rise in Anti Semitic violence we’re seeing across America and the world.

    Yeah my dude, violence against minority populations has risen across the board in the last few years. That’s kinda a known issue when people start electing white supremacists.

    What we were speaking of specifically is people committing violence against Jewish people for their perceived association with the actions of the Israeli state.

    We have clear recent examples demonstrating that your argument doesn’t hold up.

    Do we though? I mean, I’m not combing over the Internet for Islamic reprisal attacks on Jewish Americans, but I haven’t seen attacks that would justify your claim.

    You’re an Anti Semite and you’re disgusting.

    You know every time you inappropriately utilize that label it diminishes its impact and warps its definition. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your point of view, doesn’t mean they hate your entire race. It’s kinda ridiculous to attempt to frame it that way considering the historical context.

  • The way that you framed that statement makes it seem as if you can’t have a problem with a state’s actions without also hating its people.

    Secondly, this woman was victimized in her own home, which usually implies that she knew the perpetrator. It could still be racially motivated, but there’s not a lot of evidence supporting that. If she had been killed near or around a synagogue, it would make more sense to jump to that conclusion… However, for the time being it’s best to wait and see what the police say before calling everyone a terrorist.