Oh, it absolutely will be. Our drunken defense secretary said that soft power is weakness.
Might makes right. Get ready for WWIII.
Oh, it absolutely will be. Our drunken defense secretary said that soft power is weakness.
Might makes right. Get ready for WWIII.
Looks like we might be making trips to Canada to get vaccinated. Fucking weak ass Republicans.
says he’s been cut off in traffic
It’s Massachusetts. That their state pass time
been yelled at and given the finger
If everyone you see (Plus, you drive a gold vehicle. Talk about self-absorbed) is an asshole, you might be the asshole
This psycho has lied and flip flopped so many times now that you don’t even know she’s telling the truth which is sad and horrible at the same time because you’re supposed to believe women when they say stuff like this.
But if russia wins, they’re all dead anyway, so I’d rather die on my feet on a battlefield than in my basement while some ork shoots me in the face
Wild that alabama isn’t in on the suit because this basically will bankrupt their state. They need that money for the university of alabama , which is a huge employer (#1), in the state.
Guess they just don’t care about their constituents.
Lmao. Enjoy Dearborn, Michigan. When he kicks you out, you can join them in limbo.
gestures at the world on fire with encroaching fascism all around
Ooo ooo do me next! I have zero idea how I’m doing, but I haven’t been banned anywhere. I think lol
Because Trump supporters are also whining pieces of shit.
How about…now this might make Elmo upset…shutting down Twitter? Just shut it off and keep it off.
I feel it would kinda be a :
wink wink nudge nudge
Holy shit! 3 UK and 2 French nukes just appeared in our arsenal! Would you look at that!! They even have the keys and everything!! Guess we didn’t even know we had them this entire time! What were you saying now, you orange colored sack of shit?
I don’t think you have time for “serious public discussion on the matter”.
Once all the 2025 assholes are in place it’s go time.
Fucking Karen Orks. They always complain.
I’d also like to add that they outed every single CIA operative hired in the past two years.
Fantastic job, assholes.
They about to Pacman Plekhovo
Well, it’s what they voted for in their blind hatred of everything that made America great.
He totally thought it was a friendly lol.
Oh shit. They breach it?