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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Truck_kun@beehaw.orgtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    2 days ago

    OMG, I’m dealing with a developer right now that is dealing with patient collected samples in several timezones, allowing the patients to either enter the time they collected, or use current time, and storing it in UTC time.

    We do not receive any timezone data, patient collection data is showing different days than the patient could write on their samples depending on the time of day, and the developer said ‘just subtract X hours’ (our timezone)… for which not all patients would live in.

    I suppose I could, if they’d provide the patient’s timezone, but they don’t even collect that. Can you just admit your solution is bad? It’s fine to store a timestamp in UTC, but not user provided data… don’t expect average users to calculate their time (and date) in UTC please.

  • Forums instead of social media, IRC/ICQ/AIM for chat, websites were much more static… unless using Flash, newgrounds full of Flash games.

    FTP/IRC was source of media distribution until transitions to, bittorrent was new, and napster, limewire, kazaa were things. Newsgroups have existed for all time, but not really including them because less mainstream.

    Windows would allow broadcast messages to just pop-up on your computer. Needed to implement your own firewall like Zonealarm, these things weren’t just default… computers kinds of just ‘directly’ connected to the internet without any appliance in the way at first.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and Steam didn’t exist, so games were bought individually in boxes at stores, and valve games were like sharing your IP with friends, listing of servers… speaking of, early Counter Strike and stuff didn’t have any anti-cheat… if you added anti-cheat to your CS server when first coming out, people getting caught would be shocked, since they didnt know they could get caught, always in denial for ‘false positives’, and really find out who of your friends aren’t actually good and were just cheating all along.

  • … I had an IT tech from our old MSP tell me her knowledge/recommendation of ABP is what got her the job.

    I knew her boss, and doubt that was the reason (probably more because she was cheap entry level labor), but that some people have that take in a professional setting shocked me. I don’t think your ad-blocker recommendation will ever be what lands you a job, but I do think it’s possible for it to be the reason you don’t get a job.

  • My typical recommendation would be:

    Normie: uBlock Origin

    Techie: uBlock Origin + uMatrix

    Security Critical/Paranoia/Just Hate Yourself: uBlock Origin + uMatrix + NoScript

    I use the last option at work, and the middle option at home, and the first option for my wife’s computer.

    For me, a lot of it isn’t about ads, it’s more about the security risk of cross site scripting. Typically, if I’m visiting a site, I probably trust it, but I have no trust for people they sell ads to. I don’t mind sites I trust having a few non-intrusive ads, but of course that’s not the reason I use blockers; if a site has so many ads it is unusable, I just don’t ever visit it again (plenty of 'don’t show articles from ’ flags in my google news feed for this very reason. I’ll never know if you redeem yourself, because I will just never visit your site again.).

  • I do use passphrases, but I combine with randomness.

    I memorize one random 8 character string to use with something more memorable.

    Then when I need more security, or I feel that random 8 character string is no longer safe (password leak/hacked), I memorize a new 8 character string.

    Then I combine them.

    Then I memorize a new 8 character string and mix it in.

    It’s a process built up over years that ingrains into memory. Sometimes I forget the order, or if i added spaces, or did no spaces. Luckily, as long as I am sure of the discrete segments, I can remix them to recreate until it works (in a reasonable time).

    My last addition was when I made the move from Lastpass to another password manager, after their endless bad news.

  • You said you are ‘in the EU’, as in currently living in the US for said job?

    Are you considered an independent contractor? Or an actual employee of the company?

    As a US citizen… I would just advise EU citizens to ‘in general’ avoid working for US companies, we have bad employment policies, and our companies think they can just do the same things in other countries. Obviously everyone should choose for themselves; if you think the extra income is worth it, that is your call, but our work culture is awful.

    At the very least, if you do decide to work for a US company… keep it remote. Cost of living in the US is really high, work culture is awful, it’s dangerous, and healthcare costs are crazy. Unless your household is making at least $150k USD/year, you’ll be considered poor to middle-class.

  • All for reducing copyright to 25 years or less.

    DMCA… I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, been a while, and the media mostly talks about DMCA take down notices. DMCA includes the clauses that prevent people from tinkering and modifying things they bought/own if manufacturers put any preventative measures in place right (including repairing)? If so, I’m fully up for revisiting that.

    But never, NEVER, NEVER touch Section 230. And anyone attacking it is likely being disingenuous , or doesn’t really understand how Section 230 and the internet work (and are unlikely to write better legislation).

  • Unless all countries come together, the idea of a ‘world police’ by any number of select countries is silly.

    One nation being the ‘world police’ is even crazier.

    We rely on coalitions nowadays to do much (Iraq, Haiti, Yemen, …maybe Yemen again soon…, etc).

    Coalitions are better than a single nation, but should really be an organization independent of any nations, that people trust; in the modern world, ideally would be the UN, which has peacekeeping forces, but I don’t know if the trust is currently there with the UN, and a number of ‘bad actors’, namely because the UN doesn’t serve that purpose, it is supposed to be a dialog between nations, not a unifying power, or protector/military force.

    The good news on the US front, is for many coalitions to step in, the US is trying to take a back-seat, and have other nations lead them. Not that those other nations don’t have concerns. I’m not up to date on it, but I believe Kenya was being sought to lead the coalition to Haiti to restore peace and order, but I believe there were concerns about the history of Kenyan police treatment in past coalitions. Still, the US should not be the one in-charge of world policing, though that is not to say they shouldn’t be involved in any such action, just they are a piece of the puzzle, not the solution in and of itself.

    I’m rambling too much. I think it’s time for me to get off Lemmy for the day. Peace out.

  • “They’ll be surrounded by very angry nations who will want them to disappear”

    That is a pre-existing condition to Oct 7th. It is why they will continue to be supplied with weapons for defensive purposes, even if reduced on the offensive front.

    No government wants Israel to not have traditional defenses. They are a potential nuclear threat.

    Israel is estimated as of a few years ago to have about 1/3rd the amount of nuclear weapons of China. Now it is only about 1/5th, but that is only because China is rapidly building a nuclear arsenal; pre-covid they had about 300-350 nukes, 2 years ago they had 400, now China is up to 500. Estimated to have 1500 nukes in ~10 years.

    I’m not trying to talk about China, more put on the scale that their tiny country has a massive nuclear capability in comparison to such a large country as China in modern times. In an existential threat, I wouldn’t be surprised about them using them, as they are the only country in that area of the world potentially with a nuclear arsenal.

    This is more informational for those that do not know that Israel is considered a nuclear power:


  • It’s obvious, and either many congressmen are an agent of a foreign power, or are truly dumb enough to not realize the unspoken obviousness of this simple fact.

    Prefix: I ended up ranting/venting a bit… our government is so frustrating at times:

    From a US perspective, it is more a time for other countries to step up in this regard (as they have been), as while continued funding and support from the US will happen, it may be a long time from the US (maybe even 2 to 4 years if this election cycle doesn’t oust/block some of these nutjobs that are either beholden to outside powers, or don’t understand anything outside our own borders).

    I’ll take this time to say what many keep unspoken, because Ukrainians have the balls to actually voice it to the world:

    No offense to Ukrainians, I want them to win, but even a loss in Ukraine after a sustained long drawn out battle, is of benefit to any country Russia considers an adversary, a place to oppress, or a country were attractive resources. Ukraine should be supported in their opposition to this invasion for as many years as it takes, no matter what. Twenty years, fifty years, however long; there should be no metric of ‘it’s been 2 years, and Ukraine hasn’t won; are they just wasting our money?’. That is just a dumb concept.