• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • It is standard policy in New Zealand for cinemas to ban food brought in from outside and the Herald reported that Cinema 3 has five signs posted around the premises stating this.

    “The exact wording is: ‘No outside food or drinks allowed’,” the cinema’s operations manager, Robert Greig, said, the paper reported.

    Thus, once again, one of the oldest arguments in the world has been pushed back into the limelight: should you be allowed to take your own snacks into the cinema?

    private businesses can do what they want. But the prices they charge for food is outrageous. So i just dont go to those places. For the cost of a few movies and snacks now, you could buy your own large screen TV and surround system that will annoy your neighbors if thats what you need.

    1. Things like changes to TOS or services can be seriously mitigated by hosting it yourself. WHat happens if Spotify changes the music they host or inserts ads into everything. Well for me, nothing. On the flip side, if some of my stuff goes down, kids and wife will bark. But honestly its mostly set it and forget it.

    2. KISS is a thing that applies to many things in life. Anything “smart” in your home should ideally function without your “smart” features working. Ie: light switches should be dumb light switches if something breaks etc etc. Also dont get caught in using rack or enterprise gear. You can learn just as much using smaller, fatter desktops with bigger fans and air cooling over a power hungry rack servers with 80mm fans that blow your eardrums out. My entire lab runs on old dell workstations and raspberry pis’

    3. https://www.servethehome.com/ -