• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yup, few people remember how few and far between big budget fantasy films used to be. Computer graphics have gotten cheap enough now that we see big fantasy sets all the time. Back when LOTR hit it was really rare for someone to cater to the fantasy crowd on the big screen, especially for a whole trilogy.

    Much like the original Tolkien novels are a hard read but still seen as classics because they laid groundwork for the genre, the movies are seen as classics because they came first. They are probably Peter Jackson’s best movies but that’s only because he got even worse at editing as he went on.

  • So you have no solution, but just want everyone to pretend these people can get along in the meantime, and anyone who says otherwise is a bigot. Despite a long history of violence showing they cannot get along. I get it. It’s the typical neo-liberal view of the world. ‘All religions and lifestyles can coexist if we put on enough blinders’. (and subjugate people hard enough under capitalism)

    You probably scream FREE PALESTINE every chance you get, but have no idea what that even means, and have no answers for Israeli citizens safety if the walls fell down tomorrow.

    I like how people on your side drop APARTHEID STATE into the conversation as if its the ultimate nuke, and then people on the other side drop SUPPORTING TERRORISTS KILLING BABIES into the conversation to nuke back. Both self-righteous as fuck about your own losses and ignorant (or secretly happy about) of the other sides losses. So I guess you’re the ‘SUPPORTING TERRORISTS KILLING BABIES’ type then if we are sticking to the black/white script?

    At least you admit you infantilize Palestinians to the point where you no longer believe they have agency. Nothing they do is their fault. Do you stick with that line when you see a Palestine immigrant involved in violence abroad?

    edit: in case you’re wondering why Im not bothering to cite your hypocrisy to you - I don’t care whether you see evidence you’re a hypocrite. I’m more interested in unwinding the belief system that allows you to hatefully attack me as a racist bigot for days for pointing out that religious fundamentalist groups beget awful violence everywhere they go, but love and steadfastly defend Palestine as innocent victims.

    And yeah, I guess if you think they are essentially babies without agency, it makes sense. You see me as an adult with choices, and i’ve chosen to turn away from helping religious fundamentalists (and you’re mad I even say that most Palestinians are religious fundamentalists! even though that seems to be what evidence suggests … but again ‘nothing they do is their fault!’).

    You see yourself as loving and me as hateful. But I dunno. Im betting if you heard I got my brains beat in by a Palestinian for expressing these views openly, you’d feel happy. Tell me Im wrong. The most you’d feel is ‘well, the Palestinian couldn’t have helped it, their history made them this way’. Some might say you are practicing benevolent racism.

  • I’d rather watch you try to keep convincing yourself that everyone else is a hateful ass and you are the only one who understands Israel / Palestine, and its such an easy conflict to solve if we’d all just admit Palestinians are the ultimate victims… and … what? kick Israel out of the middle east? I don’t think I’ve heard your solution.

    TO summarize: When they had power and they chose to make a 2 tiered society: that was long ago - they can’t be blamed for that.

    When Palestine thought they had enough power to get rid of Israel, and they tried to do it in a war they lost - they can’t be blamed for that. Those were ‘colonizers’ they were trying to kill.

    When they elected Hamas and attacked Israel, they can’t be blamed for that because they were frustrated at their lack of power.

    Also, unlike you, I haven’t displayed a tendency to hold double standards


  • You can fuck off first, no one is forcing you to talk to me.

    So pre-Nakba counts, but also doesn’t count.

    Israel is to blame because they formed a state, which ‘set the stage’ for these events, and made them ‘colonizers’, but violence against jews pre-Israel was fine because they didn’t have a state so that violence was in the name of nationalism, not colonizing, so its ok violence

    I have a ‘hateful little brain’ for bringing up events that happened in the time of ‘great-great-grandparents’, but Palestinians are justified in hanging on to land ownership rights from the times of their great-great-grandparents.

    I’m a ‘hateful atheist’ for pointing out that people who identify as fundamentalist followers of violent ideologies are statistically more likely to kill not only each other, but secular people like me. I should do my best to elevate these people so they can have the opportunity to force their religion and culture on me next. (Real paradox of tolerance test there - also, did you read this as applying to only Palestinians who support Hamas? it also applies to Israelis who are zionist. )

    I get that Israel is kicking the shit out of Gaza recently. I think you get that if Palestine had all the power, they’d be kicking the shit out of Israel. Its just that you think that would be justified because you’re a racist/bigot/insert one of your insults here.

    I also get that Israel is shitty for killing kids in Gaza. Thats why fuck zionists / fuck Israel - they got the land they wanted, and they wouldn’t stop.

    Religious bullshit never stops.

  • Lol all my comments make it clear I hate zionists. Fuck zionists.

    So you admit there’s no single starting point for the conflict if pre-nakba events are taken into account, you just like to make an incredibly complex issue black and white to make yourself feel smart then? Its fine for Palestinian nationalists to take actions to expel jews from the region that became Israel, but because Israel formed a state to defend itself, they are in the wrong?

    If neither side were fundamentalist shit heads trying to destroy their neighbors way of life, they wouldn’t have these problems. When Arabs were the majority with the power the killed and drove the jews out in the name of nationalism, now the Israelis do the same

    And both groups disgust me, and would hurt and destroy my way of life if they had the power to do so. If pslestinian Arabs wanted to use the dhemmi system when they had power, what right do they have to insist equal treatment now? Bunch of hypocrites

    The world would be better off if Jerusalem were wiped off the planet. Then no one gets it. Problem solved.