• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I just want developers to consider their deployment environment and maybe generate and include more capable, POSIX BB instead of just choosing the smallest and most useless.

    This is completely fair, but the only example you gave to show this was about regexp in OpenWRT, and it seems from the other comments like there are several ways to go about doing this. You mentioned half of your RAM being free, but on the flip side of that, something with half as much RAM or less would be struggling a lot more. Admittedly I don’t know much about OpenWRT but routers aren’t exactly known for being powerful systems, so to me this seems like a perfect use case for a leaner set of utilities.

    To your other point, languages like Python and Lua might not technically be everywhere but it they are common enough and simple enough to learn that you really are holding yourself back by avoiding them. Lua in particular is used by a lot of Linux projects (e.g. Neovim and Awesome WM are the most recent that I’ve used but there are tons of others) because of how easy it is to embed a configuration/plugin API into existing codebases.

    Tldr; you’re being dissed because the only example you gave about BusyBox being overused is (on the surface at least) a valid use case with easy solutions that you seem to be intentionally ignoring.

  • For me windows uses 3-5gb of ram on idle just after starting up. This is pretty consistent across multiple computers for me. On the same computers (I dual-boot on both my laptop and desktop) Linux idles at about 800mb-1.2gb. This was even true on KDE which was one of the “heavier” feature-rich desktop environments. I think Gnome might have been 1.5gb ish but I haven’t used in a while. Either way, it used way less RAM than my windows installs which could noticeably impact some resource intensive programs like blender or davinci resolve

  • I choose to see this question as “If you could magically just make someone a billionaire, who deserves it,” or more specifically “who would actually do good things with the money if they had a billion dollars.”

    As you said, the reason these people aren’t billionaires already is because they haven’t been exploiting others. That being said, there are likely a few people that would use the money to better support a lot of great causes, like the Free Software Foundation, medical research, or climate change action

  • Imo it’s context dependent. Obligatory “I’m only a college student/intern” out of the way.

    Whenever I’m working with a project with multiple languages (e.g. split frontend+backend, different connected services, etc.) operators like that can get blurry when they aren’t consistent between lancuages. Especially when one of those languages doesn’t have runtime type enforcement or has weird boolean behavior (looking at you JS/TS) which can lead to unintended behavior

    If everyone on the project is only working with that language, then your point is probably pretty close to the mark.

  • IMO I’d say the same thing about windows’s “Temp” folder though.

    I agree that a lot of Linux isn’t user friendly but I’m also on a distro that is specifically supposed to be customized from the ground up (arch-based) using a tiling window manager which also involves configuring most things from the ground up. This isn’t a problem that most Linux users will likely have, but it is a problem that people may have if they are power users trying to have full control over their system (people who will be on a community about Linux). From what others in this thread have been saying, non-arch distros (and even arch with other aur helpers than yay) tend to have much smaller caches that get up to around 10Gb at most, which is also similar in size to what Windows’s temp directory uses.

    This is a Linux community on a FOSS platform. This community is inherently going to be filled with more “geeky” people. Isn’t this what we signed up for? You make it seem like Linux was ever attracting people who weren’t these type of people to begin with. Computer science is still a growing field, and most sane computer science curriculums involve using POSIX terminal commands and by extension linux at some point. I’m a zoomer and can confirm, we’re not all as hopeless as you think we are. Linux will be fine even ignoring all of its corporate and government backing. And for people who don’t even know what a file is, they probably won’t know what Linux is in the first place. Even if they somehow have a system preconfigured with linux, their Ubuntu or Linux Mint install will probably be clearing the cache for them.