I haven’t kept up. Are they still 10 years ahead of their competitors? I know they had better yields than, let’s say, Samsung.
I haven’t kept up. Are they still 10 years ahead of their competitors? I know they had better yields than, let’s say, Samsung.
They’re gonna make an excuse to not have midterm; then the country is under attack from whatever and not have 2028.
Make all reports 50 pages long, mostly context, and very little actual Intel. That way, anybody actually reading it can’t pass it on. Gonna make a “didn’t specifically asked, didn’t tell” policy.
Archbishop Fisichella also unveiled the official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: “Luce” (Italian for light), a cartoon pilgrim dressed in a yellow raincoat, mud-stained boots, wearing a missionary cross and holding a pilgrim’s staff. Luce’s glowing eyes feature the shape of scallop shells, a traditional symbol of pilgrimage and hope.
The mascot, he said, was inspired by the church’s desire “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth.”
Source :the dialog
Seems they’re trying evangelize the kids and are going to where they are. Gives me Buddy Christ vibes to be honest.
I remember 256MB sticks were a game changer for me. 1TB still seems unnecessarily to me. You carrying Wikipedia in there?!
Here’s Practical Engineering explaining how it almost happened in Texas. he also goes into why starting from a black start is so hard
I wasnt trying to deceive, but everything in pink and blue is gonna get fucked.
I believe it was Katrina where the insurance said it was wind damage when you only had flood insurance, but if you’re neighbor only had wind coverage they’d tell them it was water damage.
Florida’s elevation
Begrudgingly cover*
And it was probably glass
It seems like they are just training so they have something to keep the panic away when they encounter drones on the field. They probably don’t tell them the drones carry grenades, thermite, or bombs. “If you here or see drones, twirl your rifle like a baton at it or roll away.”
If he did, he’d sacrifice himself as a lib SC would find him not immune. I’d do it.
AR 15 drop in auto sear using an index card as in you fold a piece of paper a certain way and put it in your rifle it will cause it to shoot full auto. You don’t really want full auto anyway, just wasting ammo really.
IIRC, those discharge were because the default trigger was heavy, as in its mass not trigger pull, and, if you dropped it at a certain angle, the inertia of the trigger would pull the trigger. The fix was Sig doing a free upgrade to a lighter trigger that wouldn’t have a much mass.
That saber has been ground down to a foil at this point
Russia gonna start collecting urine and wood ash as vital resources for national defense.
I hope their artillery is accurate and plentiful. May the Russians bunch up and N.K troops shoot them in a panic.