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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I’ve been a big fan of Manjaro for exactly that reason. Something breaks occasionally and gives my skills a run for their money but a lot of the difficulty of running a rolling release gets nullified by the testing Manjaro does for you. It’s a great compromise, you get almost bleeding edge for much less work than an arch installation can take.

    I love me some Debian for their stability and security, I run Debian or Debian based servers mostly. But I wanted something closer to the bleeding edge for my desktop so I could make use of newer features, run newer packages etc…

  • I think it is measured and professionals who work in areas where this was relevant probably track this number among many others. I think the real question you are asking is why it is always framed as a % of GDP in public discussion and news reporting. Some people here point out how % of GDP can be more useful for comparing across countries with vastly different sized economies but I think we all know the real answer has more to do with how people perceive the value differently by using the larger number. Framing government debt as a % of GDP serves the zeitgeist, whatever that is.

  • barkingspiders@infosec.pubtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI use Arch BTW
    1 month ago

    Not a generic AI hater, just kinda pointing out how this is some generic soulless music. Posts like this used to mean someone spent hours and hours writing the song, recording it or producing it etc… Now it’s a subscription and a prompt. Just not the same, even if I hadn’t liked the song I would have respected the work but now, I dunno.

    Anyway. I gotta give props here for the visuals though, someone clearly put time in there and I appreciated it.

  • your pipe-pane command was real neat, I appreciate you sharing!

    I get frustrated with the default ESC delay so I use set -sg escape-time 0

    I re-bind the bind-keys without the default -r to avoid switching panes, hitting $DIRECTION arrow and going to the next pane $DIRECTION instead of my intent to move the cursor or view history etc…

    bind-key    Up      select-pane -U
    bind-key    Down    select-pane -D
    bind-key    Left    select-pane -L
    bind-key    Right   select-pane -R

    lastly, I really like these plugins

    set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
    set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
    set -g @plugin 'Morantron/tmux-fingers'
    set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'
    set -g @resurrect-capture-pane-contents 'on'

    come on people, show us your filthy tmux conf