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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • I’m not offended and I think they are mischaracterizing a valid dialogue. They’re picking a fight with people who largely agree with them and are reducing everyone’s point to “don’t bother changing anything until we find a perfect solution,” which is not something I’ve ever seen surrounding RCV. Frankly I’d like to see them show examples. They just seem upset people are discussing the merits as well as the shortcomings, even if most of us still think it should be implemented.

    I usually agree with your posts because you are a pretty smart person who I regularly see introduce nuance, so I am surprised to see such a strong reaction from you here.

  • Tell me a single FLOSS NLE I can use professionally. I’m all ears. Truly.

    You only use FLOSS right? What phone do you have? Computer? What apps/software do you use for work and entertainment? Let’s really drill down here. Because if you’re going to drop bombs and attack me you better have your house in order.

    I identified the significant hurdles open source NLE’s face. It’s reality. It’s why they aren’t being used professionally at all. If they can’t even reach 10% feature parity they aren’t on the table dude. I have bills, I have obligations. You think a client is going to accept “no I can’t fix that simple problem because my free NLE won’t let me but this other free one that’s closed source does”? Imagine this conversation.

    Hobbyists can hack away with these limited tools. It’s why drew that distinction. But i can’t unless I want to quit my career over not using Resolve/Premiere/Avid. You going to end your income over FLOSS?

  • Yeah especially the rate of improvements right now. It’s wild how many features are added annually. Audio tools alone are going through a meteoric improvement cycle. It’s baffling what I can do now that wasn’t even theorized by the industry 5 years ago.

    Resolve is great and the free version is very robust. Don’t try to learn it all. Learn how to import, cut, export. Then learn how to color. Then transform. Whatever you need as you need it.

    Their tutorials are also very excellent

    Edit: thinking more on this subject, I think if someone really wanted to take a crack at this they need to focus on automatic correction/repair tools.