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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Is it a tiny area? Yes. But they can find other places than schools and hospitals. Sorry no. The blatant disregard for lives is apparent for Hamas as much as it is for the IDF. War isn’t fair by definition, but a force that intentionally puts in danger the lives they are supposedly fighting for as a PR stunt doesn’t need you to white knight them. The Palestinian do.

    And to be clear, Jewish Zionists and the west had a major hand in all of this, but didn’t cause this in a vacuum either. 900,000 Jews had to flee Muslim countries from 1948 to 1979 because of ethnic cleansing. Why are Gaza, the Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem occupied? Because of multiple wars started by Arab nations seeking to destroy Isreal. Hamas began in 1987 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood to operate as violent militants separate from the PLO who was staring to accept comprimise and terms of the Isreali government. There are Islamist that will never accept Isreal, and Isreal’s destruction is the backbone of Hamas’s cause. The only way to “fix the problem” for them would be for the Jews to leave.

    Netanyahu doesn’t want a two-state solution to be successful either, and that is why he gave money to Hamas, to help prevent the Palestinian Authority from gaining power in Gaza which would be a much more moderate government. Prime Minister Rabin was killed in 1995 by a Zionist Ultranational because of Oslo. Since then, Netanyahu’s party has done everything they can to destabilize any hope for peace to stay in power by fear. Settlers and apartheid policies abound. I am not giving Isreal a pass on this at all.

    But BOTH sides need to decide they are tired of the violence and let moderate voices be heard, those open to both coexistence and comprise. While Netanyahu’s Likur party and Hamas remain in power, this will not be a possibility.

  • Let me get this out of the way. The ICC should have the full opportunity to try and convict Netanyahu. The genocide being committed in Gaza is horrific. The fact that he funneled money to Hamas also makes him complicit in their attack on October 7th.

    Hamas has preyed on the plight of the Palestinian people for the past 30+ years, and if the power dynamic was reversed between Isreal and Hamas, the state would have been all but fully cleansed of Jewish people shortly after the conflict began. We may even be living in a world where Palestine and Isreal are two separate states if Arafat wasn’t afraid of hardliners like Hamas killing him and could have accepted the Camp David agreement. The distruction of Isreal is their ultimate goal. Hamas is the reason Egypt keeps their border closed to the Palestinian refugees, as they are considered a threat to the stability of Egyptian society and government, proving so multiple times in the past. Hamas using civilians, hospitals, schools, and so on as sheilds is by design, not logistics. They care nothing for the innocent deaths they cause of their own people. The ruling power of Hamas is not even in Gaza, being in Qatar, ruthlessly manipulating the Palestinian people in their quest to destroy Israel without any threat to themselves. There will be no possible two-state solution while Hamas remains in power.

    I don’t know what the solution is for Isreal and Palestine. My heart hurts for the innocents in Gaza, but their situation is being caused by Hamas as much as Isreal. So no, be sympathetic to the Palestinian people, but save none of those feelings for Hamas. You should totally fault them, as their goals are just as evil as ISIS, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda.

  • Hope not, but de-nazifing Ukraine is still a prevalent talking point. It is also interesting to me this monument is only becoming an issue now.

    War is hell and there are evils always perpetuated on both sides (and i hate both sides arguments! Sorry!). I do believe intentions are important too, especially as in war people usually need to choose between the lesser of evils, which again comes with their own perspective. Being told as a Ukrainian you would only “fight the Bolsheviks” seems like it could have seen as a pretty good deal, especially when combined with the naive thought that supporting the Nazi effort could lead to an independent Ukraine. Again, naive but understandable. When focused on that perspective, and with consideration that they were separated from much of the rest of the SS in being charged with war crimes, I am a little more sympathetic. How many towns and villages did the US burn in WWII and in other wars? Sherman’s March to the Sea? Should we tear down those memorials too? I’d rather not know some of the shit my father did in the Vietnam War on behalf of the US government, but I can’t bring myself to curse his service. He just married an amazing Ukrainian woman a few years ago too…

    It’s easy to just jump to conclusions. No, don’t whitewash history, but having a more nuanced perspective I think is important. To be clear, I would be right there with a pitchfork if this was a monument to the Dirlewanger or Kaminski Brigades.

  • I’m as anti-NAZI as the next guy, but I swear some people have no idea of the nuances of history. I am sure we will start to get a rash of people protesting against Finland soon. We sided with the Soviets because of the convenience of a common enemy, AFTER they had invaded and partitioned and annexed half of Poland right beside the NAZI Germany. The invasion of Poland is what kicked off WWII btw. After the war, the West almost immediately entered into the Cold War with the USSR.

    I get it, this is an SS squad, and they contributed to atrocities of NAZI Germany, but I can understand some Ukrainians considering them to be freedom fighters against the Soviets, especially in 2023. It is also a memorial in a church cemetery, and not a statue of Lee in the middle of a town square. A debate is warranted, but I hope some people will learn a little bit more about how history is not black and white with the conversation.