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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Moddb was mentioned. Another good one is thunderstore. It all depends on the game though. Valheim (and several other units based games) is very active on both Nexus and thunderstore, stalker games tend to be moddb, &c. Nexus tends to be the main one for most games though.

    I mostly like Nexus (paid member), but I share the concern about it being the only game in town for most games. Nexus is heaps better as a site than both moddb and thunderstore ime, but the lack of real alternatives is putting way too many eggs in the same basket.

  • It’s a thorny issue. In the position of an indie dev/studio i get using cheap (or free) art, be it voice, textures, whatever. In a way a properly licensed ai trained voice is no different from using assets from an asset store.

    On the other hand, the current crop of ai are less than fair about where they source the data, so good luck getting a morally neutral voice right now, leaving aside the legal aspect.

    A big issue beyond that is how it’ll completely wreck the industry. If Alice licensed her voice for cheap, and I can get it to say whatever I need with minimal hassle why wouldn’t I use that over paying more for a voice actor, where I have to wait on them to actually record and rerecord her lines? I’d be paying more for slower results and more work.

    Then you realize this is true not just for me but for most groups needing voice lines. This means that even if an individual voice seems ethically sound, considering the wider context and impact on other voice actors it becomes far less simple.

  • Both worked for me, though not in combination. In isolation haven’t had a major issue that wasn’t fairly quickly solved with an update with either of them. Explorer patcher has been slightly buggier between the two, but not by too much.

    Ymmv of course, as is the decision whether having the bar how/where you want us worth the trouble.