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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The (absolutely gutted) organization for requiring things like nutritional information is primarily responsible for keeping people safe in the foods they consume. Should it be on there? Probably. But on the scale of things to do it’s so absurdly insanely low with so many horrific things ahead of it that it probably isn’t gonna happen. Nevermind the fact that it’s lobbied against pretty hard at the same time.

    I think it probably should have nutritional and allergenic info required on it, but hearing the horror stories of my friends in food safety who go to plants that produce dangerous products with so little rules and oversight, I can’t imagine thinking it’s a good idea to take any amount of FDA time and attention away from that for things like beer.

    Most big breweries have nutritional info on their site for their beers, fwiw.

  • Brewery process engineer here. The reasons beer doesn’t need as strict of regulation in terms of food safety and in terms of labeling is twofold.

    Part of that is because it’s lobbied to keep it that way, because if you put numbers down they’re not great (no surprise)

    Part of it is because beer’s pH and alcohol content makes it nearly impossible for human-harming-pathogens to grow. On the scale of danger for you from a food safety perspective, beer is low.

    NA beer is full strength beer with the alcohol removed. It goes through the same kill steps and processes as normal beer. Alcohol removal can be done a few ways (RO, filtration, boiling) but is I think always or effectively always followed by pasteurization.

    Not saying it should be beyond labelling, but that’s the reasoning why it’s not a high priority for labeling like food.

  • I have about a hundred hours in it. Here’s some scattered thoughts:

    –The devs clearly care a lot and it’s a labor of love. They communicate well, provide updates, listen to feedback, engage with the community. They’re lovely.

    –the game has a fun series of mechanics, good visuals, good music, fun vibes. It’s a bit… Sandboxy, towards later in most runs. I don’t know what to do with my settlement come cycle 12-15 (cycle is 12-20 days or so). I wish there was a little more of a goal for it, like scenarios

    –good mod support and map making. People have made some dope maps for it

    I’m gonna continue to revisit it as campaign/scenarios evolve, as mechanics are added, and as I want to get my beaver vibe on