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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • Keep going! I think you still need more precision. Your racialized students are all victims of racism at nearly all times. What you’re talking about is when racialized students are victims of harm (which comes in many forms) where that harm is the intimate form of structural racism.

    So when someone uses a racial slur, racialized people experience harm if they are exposed to it. A) what is that harm if the slur was used at them versus if that slur was used near them but not at them? B) is there harm if no racialized people are exposed to that event?

    Being able to articulate these sorts of nuances in a way that is internally consistent will be the result of struggling with these concepts and coming to deeper understandings and the path forward will be clearer.

    To put a finer point on it, if a white child, in a room of 5 white children and a white teacher, uses a racial slur, how would you describe that, how would you understand the consequences of that, how would you make the decision on whether and how to intervene, and how would you communicate your decision in context?

  • I will challenge for the sake of you refining your argument: bigotry is equivalent with rude behavior and aggressive confrontation. Bigotry is not limited to the structures of racism. You can be a bigot against people without hair, bigot against people based on height, a bigot against people based on body fat, a bigot against people based on body shape and proportions, etc.

    Racism, on the other hand, is a structure that exists even without bigotry. Bigotry is a symptom or an outgrowth of structural racism. The earliest racists didn’t spend their time being rude and getting into fights with people, they spent their timing writing academic essays, giving lectures, and generally being perfectly calm, reasonable high society people who just believed things like race is inherent in the person and values are inherent in the race.

    I challenge you to get more precise about why you think bigotry is different than other forms of conflict, connect it to the structural so that you’re not only dealing with the individual, and proceed from there with a refined analysis and set of proposals.

  • Are you saying that people should be reading EVERY news site and then post what they see from any and all sites that make good content? How do you recommend they do that labor, use a news aggregator? Are you daft? This is how news aggregation works!!! Some individuals with real lives become deep consumers of a few specific news sources, select the best content they find and submit to aggregators like Lemmy. You and I benefit from 2 dozen of these people, each with only a handful of news sites they can review in their limited time and because there’s 2 dozen of them we get news from 30 - 50 news sites in our feed.

  • The fact the you find it hilarious when you see evidence that directly contradicts your assumptions should be a clue as to where your defense against coming to grips with reality lies.

    If Assange helped Trump at the behest of Trump’s very powerful ally, why would Trump want to kill him?

    Maybe the answer is that Assange did not actually help Trump at the behest of Trump’s very powerful ally. Maybe the answer is that Putin is not Trump’s very powerful ally. Maybe both of those things are true.

    You are literally receiving the world’s best propaganda from the USA which has a 100-year history of developing sophisticated anti-Russian propaganda and you’re choosing to believe it despite Assange actually publishing documented evidence of US war crimes that put him in a position to be targeted by the most violent military intelligence apparatus in the world and you want to believe the story being told by the intelligence community through their mouthpieces in the government and the news media despite having direct evidence that contradicts your position?

    Yeah, real hilarious.

  • That’s because none of the opposition leaders are actually threats. They killed plenty of opposition leaders while your parents were alive, though. Martin and Malcom are the two most obvious ones.

    But before that, when there was a labor movement, lots of people got killed for being on the wrong side of power.

    And finally, the USA doesn’t have a USA out there funding and inculcating opposition leaders, connecting them with spies and mercenaries, and building movements to create a coup.

  • That’s… That’s not what’s happening here. The USA is a rapacious, murderous, destructive, extractive, abusive force. The only reason third-world countries ally with the USA is because the alternative is suffering constant harassment, invasion, terrorism, collective punishment, coup attempts, and civil strife. This has nothing to do with some people in the USA Congress acting as a lightning rod for public ire about defending Ukraine, because the USA defunds ALL of its proxies in ALL of its proxy wars across the history of proxy wars. No one except the American people are gullible enough to believe that the USA will actually back them up a conflict. Europe has been aware of this for probably 50 years, but the rest of the world has been aware for at least a century.

  • There is no evidence (that I’ve seen) that Russia targeted swing states and swing voters specifically as you seem to be claiming. That was the accusation levied against Trump and Cambridge Analytica and even that claim fell apart for lack of evidence.

    The point is that you retorted “it’s election interference all the way down” when replying to a comment about how the USA should not be involved in arbitrating elections in other countries. You then went further to say that election interference stops at countries like Russia because the elections are fake.

    But A) Russian interference in the USA is not the same as USA interference in Venezuela. Evidence: Russia did not actually manage to effect the election, only some of the discourse around the fringes. Meanwhile, the USA backed a coup in Bolivia and literally sent trained mercenaries to support them, and prop up the fake president, Juan Guaido, in order to create the problems that they can then solve with violence, coups, and puppets. And B) the USA has been interfering in Russian politics for decades, including supporting Navalnhy with literal logistics, security, and financing.

    So get your fake “oh you’re so disrespectful in your communications” pearl clutching liberal bullshit outta here and stop trying to pivot your way into a safe space where your world view remains intact. If you want your worldview to be unchallenged, then stick to watching the tube and leave the discourse to people who are willing to be wrong for the sake of an accurate understanding of what’s happening in the world.

  • LOL, it’s so funny how close you are and yet how far you are. When the USSR was dismantled by compradors in power and they invited the USA to come in and liberalize their economy, they suffered millions of death of poverty and their life expectancy dropped 10 years in 10 years, literally as bad as if they had been invaded and literally worse than what COVID did to the USA. So Putin gets elected on the narrative that he will reassert Russia’s sovereignty and not allow the USA and Europe to continue imposing austerity, causing mass suffering, and then he does so. Everyone in Russia gets a better life after Putin takes office. And since he’s KGB, he knows exactly how the USA is trying to infiltrate Russian politics and ensure a puppet government is in place. And yet, you can’t see how Putin is doing exactly what you’re saying Germany should do: prevent undemocratic forces from taking power by using his authority to do so.

    Maybe one day you’ll get it. The USA is the fascist core and Europe is the birthplace of the USA as well as the USA’s luxury market and historical globe spanning power base. Every other country outside of them is doing absolutely everything they can to prevent the USA from taking away their ability to operate as a sovereign state, and in a lot of places that looks like authoritarianism. But in the end, it’s literally anti-fascism.

    Don’t believe me? Look at the voting record in the UN for resolutions condemning the glorification of Nazis. The USA votes against it every single time.