• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The employees in the joint suit, half of whom are minors (with one as young as 14)—allege that in addition to not being paid for their work, they were subject to racial slurs and Black employees were called “slaves.” They also claim that the minors were exposed to pornographic material while working on Ye’s new adult-film and pornography venture Yeezy Porn, and that Ye’s team was “directly and personally aware” of said exposure.

    The employees state in the suit that Ye’s wife Bianca Censori sent an employee a shared file of “hardcore” porn for the Yeezy Porn platform, and that photos from that file were “openly disseminated” in group forums with the underage workers. The employees also claim they were threatened with non-payment if they refused to sign NDAs.

    I’m not blaming the kids, but I’m 100% blaming the parents who let their teenagers intern for Kanye West.

    That’s just insanely irresponsible and they literally aren’t fit to have custody. Like it’s shady enough for a legit celebrity, but Kanye?

  • I wouldn’t judge someone who shows up to a campground at 430 am too harshly…

    They’re probably running on pure lizard brain at that point.

    Like, depending on your definitional of rational, there was/is a reason for this behavior, but it’s not like someone intentionally decides to do it. It’s just autopilot.

    A lot of what we do is just autopilot and rationalizing it later. Shits crazy interesting, but we can’t really study it because it’s not ethical to just cut people’s brains in half for no reason other than to gain knowledge. And there was only a brief period it was a valid medical treatment for things like epilepsy.

    Sperry performed another similar experiment in humans to further study the ability of the right hemisphere to recognize words. During that experiment, Sperry asked volunteers to place their left hand into a box with different tools that they could not see. After that, the participants saw a word that described one of the objects in the box in their left field of view only. Sperry noted that most participants then picked up the needed object from the box without seeing it, but if Sperry asked them for the name of the object, they could not say it and they did not know why they were holding that object. That led Sperry to conclude that the right hemisphere had some language recognition ability, but no speech articulation, which meant that the right hemisphere could recognize or read a word, but it could not pronounce that word, so the person would not be able to say it or know what it was.

    In his last series of experiments in humans, Sperry showed one object to the right eye of the participants and another object to their left eye. Sperry asked the volunteers to draw what they saw with their left hand only, with closed eyes. All the participants drew the object that they saw with their left eye, controlled by the right hemisphere, and described the object that they saw with their right eye, controlled by the left hemisphere. That supported Sperry´s hypothesis that the hemispheres of brain functioned separately as two different brains and did not acknowledge the existence of the other hemisphere, as the description of the object did not match the drawing. Sperry concluded that even though there were no apparent signs of disability in people with a severed corpus callosum, the hemispheres did not communicate, so it compromised the full function of the brain.


  • Eh.

    It could be just her going thru possible consequences out loud. Maybe intentionally to drive the point home about what could have happened.

    Like, this is some real shit that women do always need to be aware of, and men just never fucking think about, because we don’t have to.

    OP could live in a super sketch area where this level of vigilance is warranted and this shit could be going thru her head.

    Like from her POV OP didn’t take the risk serious enough to meet her, if he’s not willing to do that, her mind is running thru where the line is on what he would do. You zero into that by asking big questions. And again, it could be to try and set in the possible consequences.

    Like, her wanting to know what level of commitment he has to her safety. I doubt it was extrajudicial executions in her mind, and more Liam Niessons style rescue as a rhetorical device.

    For a woman a partner who values their security and safety is important both on an instinctual and sadly still practical level. They have a lot more threats then the average dude will ever think about, especially when young and in the dating stages of life. Even married men sometimes don’t learn about it till later when they have kids their responsible for.

  • Fucking public freakout weirdly broke a lot of news for me back on Reddit.

    George Floyd, the protests, crazy trump news, Myanmar… Strangely what sticks out is the Target fire extinguisher lady on a rascal that ended up being parodied in Atlanta. Like, I saw that shit live completely accidentally.

    It was crazy how before something had a chance to hit the news, someone already had a full video (sometimes even with context) posted.

    The user base was terrible at times, and likely is now again. But there was a period when so much crazy shit was going on, that it actually had rational takes the crazy was diluted enough.

    It was just nuts to have a random Livestream up, and see huge national news stories unfolding live or at least immediately after filming.

    I don’t think people realized how all that shit lead to political engagement in 2020, people were fucking pissed and motivated.

  • So?

    I hate how every game want to compete for current playtime.

    I got way more than money’s worth out of this game, but I haven’t played in over a month. I hope that when I go back to it, there’s still a playerbase.

    But like, the developers planned for at best to get 10% of what they did…

    If they dropped that extra 90%, I don’t see why that should spell the end of the game. It’s the playerbase the game was designed for.

    There’s just this weird “first or worst” mentality with a lot of studios. I hope this game is just given the room to stretch it legs over a decade or so. Something people might not always keep installed on their console, but still download once or twice a year to get some games in.

    Games like that can be a success. Just because a lot of people burnt out doesn’t mean they’ll never play again.

    It’s just games like that don’t maximize investor returns. They want to churn out hits that people play exclusively for 3 months then drop, only to buy the new one next year.

  • The two main Haredi (Ultra-orthodox) parties are significant part of Netanyahu’s coalition, and they have always had a disproportionate power compared to the Haredi population because almost all Haredi voters vote for them.

    100% not trying to be a dick, because I appreciate the insight.

    But is there a typo in there?

    Or are you saying that the population will always just vote for the party because of shared religious beliefs…

    Even though the party acts against those beliefs?

    Like, I’m not trying to argue if that’s logical. I’m American, we have far right abrahmic extremists too that unironically support trump despite him pretty much doing the opposite of their religious guidance at every chance. No judgement on that, I’m not asking you to defend them.

    I’m just asking if I’m understanding you right about what’s going on. Because I don’t understand how the Ultra Orthodox party can have “disproportionate power” over their own voting base.

    Except in the context that they just vote for whoever their religious leaders tell them to without question or thought.

    But also, a lot of shit has gone down since 2016… Those numbers might not be up to date