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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Vyvanse is also having a shortage, caused in part by people not being able to get Adderall switching over. It’s not as bad as it was a few months ago (we called around and couldn’t find a pharmacy with a 30 day supply within a 2 hour radius) but they’re still having trouble getting enough, especially at the higher doses. Source: I literally talked to a pharmacist about this today when I went to pick up my other random-ass stimulant. My doctor told me to just keep asking them about it every month haha.

  • Man, where does everyone in the comments live that it still works like this? Where I’m at, they basically have attempted to replace like 90% of cashier jobs with these machines. There is often either no cashier at all, or one single cashier with like 5 people in their line, each with shopping carts filled to the brim.

    The self checkout lines routinely reach lines of 10+ people with many old people who struggle using the machines forced to use them and gumming up the operations more. I avoid going to the grocery store like the plague during any kind of higher traffic time because I don’t want to wait in line for 15 mins.

    Other issue with self checkout machines is that some places (Kroger, looking at you) weigh the bag every time you scan an item before you can scan the next, which makes things go soooooo slow.

  • I don’t know, I think it depends on a million different factors. I’m around your age and struggled badly financially out of college. I spent more than a year completely unemployed and when I finally got a seasonal retail job, it was a big fucking deal. Took about 6 years busting my ass climbing the ladder in that department store moving cross-country (costing several thousand dollars) before I started making $50k. In the meantime, my $40k principle had grown 25% during the unemployment deferment and my interest started to snowball because despite years and thousands of dollars in payments, my monthly payment didn’t even cover the interest.

    So yeah, while I no longer make a low wage, it was really fucking difficult to claw out of that hole (office jobs treat you with a ridiculous level of skepticism if you’ve been working full-time in retail.) It took the better part of a decade and meeting a partner whose second income helped defray the cost of living before I was actually able to see my amount owed go down. I honestly feel very lucky that things shook out the way they have because I can easily imagine it ending differently and certainly there are many for those it has.

  • Thankfully, Biden’s new IDR plan (“SAVE”) waives any additional accrued interest for the month after you’ve made your minimum payment (even if it’s $0.) This fixes the pretty massive flaw in the IDR plans that were allowing loans to grow out of control, despite payments made on them. As if people barely scraping by will not be unduly burdened by an even more massive debt if they ever manage to claw their way out of the low wage hole. Personally, after a long stretch of unemployment and low-wage jobs, I had like 5 years of payments under my belt and my loan had grown by 25%. Lol… Still hurts to think about even though I’m doing much better these days.

    FYI, idk if anything will actually come of it, but Biden is now trying to do a more targeted loan forgiveness and one of the groups he is targeting are those who owe more than their initial loans. So, I guess we’ll see what happens.

  • Right? As an adult I couldn’t get on the wrong flight if I tried. It’s baffling that they wouldn’t need to scan a wristband or ticket or whatever for an unaccompanied minor to 1) confirm & document their presence on the plane like everyone else and 2) make sure they are sent to the right fucking place. Also confusing because you’d think that when the first staff member shows up to the wrong gate with the kid and tries to hand them off, the flight crew would be like “wtf are you talking about, we dont have an unaccompanied minor schesuled on this flight?” I get that people make mistakes but this isn’t some shit like accidentally “replying all” to an email distribution list. It’s hard to fathom how something like this could happen if even the most basic and common sense procedures were followed.

  • It’s so stupid, but definitely can be helpful professionally to maintain a profile there. Depends on your experience and what field you’re in, of course, but recruiters seem to use it a fair amount.

    Definitely don’t use it for the garbage social media aspect (it’s like some weird crowd-sourced Chicken Soup for the Soul shit??) However, I’ve been convinced of its utility after getting a new job through a recruiter there without even looking. The process was sooo easy compared to applying for jobs the traditional way. Icing on the cake was that it came with a 50% raise and was for a position I would never have applied for on my own but I love it. Maybe it was lightning in a bottle, but I figure doesn’t hurt to keep up a page just in case another good opportunity comes along. If nothing else, the recruiters I hear from give me a sense of how hot the market is and what kind of jobs my profile is pinging me for in case I want to make tweaks.

  • I’m sure this is a part of it, but this is also a phenomon that’s been studied in psychology called the “overjustification effect.” Basically, once you introduce external rewards to something that was previously done for internal satisfaction, people become motivated only by the external reward and will lose interest without it. The external motivation can also “crowd out” your internal motivation and diminish it completely.

  • Yup. My best friend growing up was absolutely brilliant, one of the smartest and most well-rounded people I’ve ever met. And yet, when she was new to driving, and her dad handed her the gas pump to fill up the tank, she started spraying it on the windshield. Somehow, despite surely seeing other people perform this task hundreds of times throughout her life, she got it into her head that the pump is where the “soapy water” comes from. You know, those little reserves of water with the squeegee/sponge combo to clean your windshield? That soapy water. She was convinced that the soapy water lived in the gas pump and started dousing her windshield with gas. The fact that it came out with small bubbles further confirmed to her that it was, indeed, soapy water. Her completely flabbergasted dad losing his mind screaming WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUDOING!!! is what finally clued her in that she might be acting in error. It’s like sometimes when you’re that smart maybe you just don’t have any spare brain cells to understand every day things.

  • At work I’ve been thrust into a support function for some random system (I’m in analytics) and one of the roles I work with is fairly entry level, so lots of younger folk. I have been floored by some of the basic-ass shit I’ve walked them through. (Like explaining that you can copy and paste the url into a browser if the link isn’t clickable for whatever reason. Also had to clarify what url meant–is this not a common term anymore?) I had just assumed that because they’re younger and grew up with the internet, they’d smoke the hell out of me. But I guess interfaces are so streamlined these days many got away with never having to learn basic troubleshooting the same way I did as a millennial.