loathesome dongeater


a cool (brr) dude

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2020


  • The crazy thing is that most people are not aware of this slump. Local news outlets don’t report on it and the government organises “investor summits” which create the illusion of steady incoming foreign investment.

    India should learn a thing or two from its neighbor.

    Not gonna happen in my lifetime. Most people I see still have negative racist notions about China like apparently how they make low quality products. They do not know or care that tier 3 cities in China are cleaner and more beautiful than New Delhi and don’t have children begging in the streets. It’s an attitude that sort of reflects the government’s foreign policy where there is zero sense of solidarity despite both countries emerging out of formal colonialism at around the same point in history.

  • Lots of people understandably jump to the idea of “free healthcare” when trying to understand this phenomenon. While that is somewhat correct, there is lot more that needs to be done to achieve what Cuba has in terms of public health. The mode and amount of payment by patients is just one aspect of it. They also have train doctors of the appropriate quality and in the adquate quantity. Then they have to invest in the infrastructure and products that the health system needs which they manage despite crippling sanctions. There are a ton of other things as well, like ensuring that the rural areas have access to clinics and doctors which is one of the biggest of the countless failings of the Indian medical system.

    I guess that the point I am trying to make is that you need a government that gives a shit about the people and considers them people rather than expendable workhorses for the owning class. Cuba, emerging out of a people’s revolution, had this checked off. I bring this up because I feel even if Bernie had won the nomination and presidency he would have been able to only make marginal improvements to the American condition with his promise of a single-payer healthcare system which tackles only one small aspect of a deeply rotten healthcare system that the USA has. If he was somehow able to make any noticeable improvement without getting assassinated, they would be rolled back by whatever administration followed his kinda like how UK’s NSA is slowly being strangulated as we speak.

    You cannot have “free as in free speech” healthcare when the reigns of power are held by a wealthy minority.

  • If you go on reddit threads for topics like this you will always see some people echoing conservative think tank talking points like how homeless people are homeless because of their own not only shortcomings but also volition. They will say that homeless people being put into homes will trash the place and leave for the streets despite every housing first experiment showing a very good sticking rate. In fact one dude is doing this in this very thread.

    Almost every developed country has the resources to solve the homelessness “problem” for good. The problem is the lack of political will. The property owning parasite class are scared of what easily available homes will do to property prices. The employers are scared labour not being docile without the threat of homelessness. It’s just vampires all the way down profiting from keeping people destitute and on the streets.