A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • This is why I may never be able to fully repair my relationship with my religious father after my own journey out, because I love him too much to undermine the belief that sustains him as an 87 year old.

    My own journey out has been incredibly painful and challenging but that is MY life path, not his. He stuck with my mother for 25 years to the very end after her Parkinsons diagnosis and he got to watch her choke to death on some food at the end.

    I really believe my father doesn’t need the religion to be that good and faithful, because he is just basically made of good stuff. But I will never attack his faith even though in my heart of hearts I find the foundations of that faith to be risible. What would be gained? What would it say about me if I did?

  • We have had few overt attempts to intimidate voters in Colorado. Candidates don’t get to just pick their voting locations. That’s a very complex decision that involves multiple overlapping government and volunteer organizations.

    No, the enemy here isn’t MAGAts flexing at a polling place, it’s apathy among the general populace. A major part of our efforts is just educating people about how it all works, not necessarily getting them to vote a certain way. Finding someone who is willing to engage more fully in the process is how we measure success.