There’s no chance he didn’t know what was in it. He was part of the cabal from the beginning.
Another article has an estimate of 315,000 Russia casualties since the beginning of the war.
The Russian/Afghanistan war estimates (1979-1989) are: 15,000 Soviet soldiers killed, and about 53,000 wounded source
That is absolute gold right there
What is worse is that, as she at least has means/options (to hire a lawyer, to leave the state, etc), many woman do not.
Can I repeat that it’s FUCKED UP!
Modern software development:
I had that happened to me a few weeks ago, but they gave up after a week or so.
LOL @ the downvotes to this one
Palisade Peaches. If you know, you know
Pretty sure it’s chatgpt generated as well
Imagine working so hard, you end up getting birthed by a billionaire! Keep pulling those bootstraps peasants!
They were advertising in the Mexico City Airport yesterday when I was there.