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Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I have proof, I’ve been fighting for years. Every charge, every hospital stay, every police report. People are going to systematically charge every maga adjacent over the next 2 decades, and RICO laws will adapt. It’s okay to be scared, just leave the fighting to the fighters lol.

    Edit: the excessiveness was because they thought I was building a bomb when in reality I was just programming and tinkering with electronics. They had to shut down the Park, the elementary school and evacuated 1000+ people because Ron DeSantis’ people took exception and demanded it.

  • So you saw someone ask “Does the sadness of rehoming a cat ever go away?” and then proceeded to not only ignore the question, but hijack the thread to complain about being a servant to a rich couple and how you don’t like that you don’t have any sway over their property or decisions. You probably get “blown off” by real people all the time. You are not a doormat: you are a doormat with the word “entitled” written across.

  • I filed a police report against them and got taken down by 2 dozen cops who shut down three square blocks to do so and ransacked my place. Spent two days in solitary before seeing a judge who, none the wiser of what LAPD had done, wiped my entire criminal record clean. LA cops, lawyers, and more were dog whistling their support, informing about new surveillance intricacies and how to proceed without raising alarms. They didn’t want to, but said they had to follow up to satisfy the little Hitlers.

    Garland’s new policy on political threats, I think, is a major blow to conservatives, because they are more prone to self incrimination, impulsive escalation, and emotional reasoning. The fact it’s now a felony is a big deal; they are being brought to heel; it’s realpolitiks and I’m here for it. I know a man in New York got pinched yesterday for threatening MTG, but people with no priors used to be really powerful. Now, not so much.

    Abbott and Desantis are cutting off the nose to spite the face and each stunt is just another truckload of evidence–sometimes literally. Tying the misleading brochures to the leaders is critical. Conservatives also are unaware of how far reaching digital forensics can be. If you think the repudiation of fascism will end with the downfall of MAGA, you’ve got another thing coming. And it’s going to look a lot like Nuremberg.

  • If women were treated equally at the highest level of chess they would only have <1% representation as of 2021.

    There is only one woman in the top 100 ELO currently.

    If women were held to the same intellectual standards of men in chess, they would only exist as rare, near singular phenomena, and then THAT would, rightfully, be called misogyny.

    If you want to compete at the highest level, you must first compete–if you cannot compete, then you are not competing–it’s built into the concept a priori. White men who are hateful are all for affirmative action because it keeps the weak weak. You can imagine Don Draper smiling and typing back whiskey while the victims are given handouts–resented by the rest of humanity, wrongfully or rightfully–this is how they make their racist fantasies racist realities.

    I don’t think it’s an intellectual shortcoming either: it may even be that men are just mentally ill when it comes to excellence in competition and not excellence for its own sake, which I think more women are open minded enough to see; and, that men are more likely to take things “too far.”

    Men also had to swallow that computers–built by people of diverse backgrounds and genders–are far better at calculating chess outcomes, and someone might complain that computer constructors should be allowed to enter AI and have it ELO ranked.

    On top of all this, I think chess would be delighted with female stars especially after Queen’s Gambit. I can’t imagine they would turn down the massive amounts of money that would generate (see formula W drivers/Danica Patrick) even if all they did was ALMOST win.

    At some point reality sets and you’re left with only hard truths. The hard truth about chess is that it’s a war fantasy computation board game probably invented by and for male brain reward structure.

    Women are proving much more capable than men in society, which is what matters, but if they want to win at chess or backgammon or go or shogi they’re going to have to develop an insane priority structure where you would sooner skin your mother alive than lose.

  • I was a chef for over a decade and worked in Michelin kitchens where I gave myself up for next to nothing. When I made it to two stars, I began vomiting repeatedly every shift, working at a loss of $100 dollars a day. Eventually, I broke down and tried to kill myself by the city river, but regrettably I failed.

    If you live in America, all I can say is that if you are a man and you don’t work, and you are alone and have no one to support you, you will eventually be killed. If you aren’t killed on the street, you’re killed in lock up because it’s illegal to exist here without employment. Mental facilities funnel into jails where the bodies pass daily. At my city’s coroner’s, there are 400+ deaths unaccounted for, 100+ murders per year. I was sent there as a warning in California’s HAM program. I was forced to watch people die and watch their autopsies as well as tour the whole facility, examining all the corpses. All the corpses whose genitals have catheters in them are people who died with no one to claim them, their organs are placed in hefty bags which are then sewed haphazardly back into their torso. The working class bodies are all Mexican, all under 60.

    When I was homeless, on two occasions people tried to murder me and they only stopped because they thought I was dead. My medical debt in my twenties reached over ten million from all the hospital stays. I’ve learned that there are fates WAY worse than death, and you should always have the materials for an exit bag or an LD of insulin. In our society, if you are an extremely poor man, your agency amounts to, “will I continue to suffer another day? Or will I do what everyone wants and liquidate myself.”

    The reason I say all this is, when you don’t want to work, remember it’s not just money you lose but also the good will of others, including family members. The people you respect most put clown makeup on every day and freak out when you don’t. I know this because I made a small fortune on the gamespot/and squeezes and my fortunes literally changed overnight. The money literally solved all my problems and I’m left disgusted. It also showed me how hard I was working for so little. I know now I’d rather die fighting breathlessly, as I always have, fighting for myself and my life. My life in the street was FAR more meaningful than the ones I’ve lived according to cowardice, constantly learning to cope with cowardice. The bottom line: make sure you know you’re ready to leave the beaten path before you do because I promise you, life outside the social contract is indeed nasty, brutal and short.

  • They’re largely cooked–read the indictments in their entirety or watch two lawyers geek out over it. They were way too brazen, and even a conservative judge would have their hand forced by the law and public interest. These are the consequences of criminal behavior, and all criminals must face this eventually; I know because I’ve been locked up quite a bit and am familiar with the machinations of the US Justice system. They are in for complete psychological torture. I literally couldn’t imagine a worse punishment for these people whose realities depend upon narcissistic delusions and extrinsic reinforcement. It will be a painful disintegration for any person, much less an aged person with affluenza. They will experience isolation reserved for the worst people alive because of their profile and because of Thomas Silverstein making the Ultramax system airtight. Trump’s most likely end point is 100+ feet underground in Colorado, with all the other high profile crims, having destroyed all friends and family.

    The RICO charges is an unappealable AND unpardonable 5 year minimum sentence, for example.

  • Peasants’ revolts for rights and pay after post plague labor shortages are examples of this–sometimes going “on strike” by moving away but still nearby to demonstrate their newfound value and agency.

    Unfortunately this current cycle seems irresistibly headed toward mass death, as income inequality paired with a technological revolution amidst limited existential resources: people must die, mathematically. There will be large migrations, droughts, famine that kill in large numbers, but it won’t be happening to anyone that matters.

    I think the temptation to keep the population low and existence reserved solely for eugenic elite will be too great and these rich demigods will want lebensraum–physically and ideologically–and social spaces will be in service to them (Twitter–>X), but really, as in, reality will eventually be made to bend to this logic and we will be too weak to defend ourselves as a race because entertainment will feel more important than water.