robinn_IV [he/him]

Adam Smith gulped, David Ricardo started to sweat, Milton Freedman’s bottom lip quivered, and Karl Marx sat attentively…

“Yes Robinn,” they all said in unison.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • Um, wow, okay, Putler is genociding Ukrainians simply because he’s evil, and you don’t have the heart to donate a couple of dollars to Raytheon? Civilized people with blond hair and blue eyes are being killed, this isn’t like those righteous Western holy wars across the Middle East. Have some decency and fill out your ballot for Biden then enlist to fight alongside the Ukrainian armed forces as they wear Slavic runes and type beautiful inspiring poetry about Putin being Voldemort and Ukrainians being Han Solo… unless you want Russian imperialism to spread across all of Europe and then the world? Yeah, didn’t think so tankie.

  • Don’t say “so to speak” in a forum comment, you’re not Eugen Dühring. How do these definitions not fit reality? In Liberalism, Losurdo (referenced above by commiewithoutorgans) goes through history and explains what liberalism actually is, i.e. herrenvolk liberty. The currently recognized originators of liberalism were supporters of slavery, and now liberals are supporters of imperialism.

    Liberals are not allies in reforms, both because reforms will never be enough, liberals as supporters of the status quo eventually becoming enemies regardless, but also because even in these “reforms” they are cowardly. US liberals can’t even stop an active genocide being perpetrated by their government, and a vast majority of those liberals in government actively support it.

    Liberals oppose democracy for enemy nations (and under the guise of “promoting democracy” depose the elected/popular leaders of these nations), they oppose real democracy (rule of the majority) in any nation, they absolutely oppose real equality by upholding the privileges of landlords and capitalists, and they oppose guaranteed standards of living. Newsom, the liberal (recognized by the majority as such!) governor of California, has been in favor of the state’s use of violence to clear homeless encampments; every “liberal” US president has kept migrants in concentration camps at the border despite immigration being largely a result of US imperialism as well as refusing to provide guaranteed housing to the unhoused population. If you think they are not liberals, then you are “a small subsection of society, a bubble so to speak.” Is it fair to say that it’s the people that wear this label who’ve rewritten words and history to paint themselves as simply “supporters of liberty”?

    And I am absolutely not opposed to the abolition of term limits. Talk about opposition to democracy, term limits are a check on democracy itself, telling the population they cannot vote for someone again. Term limits for the US presidency were introduced after the repeated elections of the overwhelmingly popular FDR.

    Lastly, liberals are supporters of capitalism; half of the dictionary definitions available include “support for a free market” as a fundamental aspect of liberalism.

  • You didn’t read a single reference on their Wikipedia page, just the fact that they’re there is enough for you. Regardless, I fail to see any evidence of “misleading coverage,” and “sympathetic coverage” is a non-issue except for the fact that these are “authoritarian regimes.” What this means is unknown, since the main examples cited (Syria, China, and Venezuela) each have a much lower amt. of prisoners per-capita and in totality (significant because of China’s population) than the U.S., and China has a significantly lower amt. of police per-capita.

  • I totally support what the guy stood for.

    Navalny was a driving force in the annual anti-Muslim, antisemitic, anti-immigrant “Russian March” in Moscow. Its central themes are “Take Back Russia,” “Russia for Russians” and “Stop Feeding the Caucasus” — the latter a demand to end federal subsidies to poorer, less-developed, largely Muslim regions of Russia. He has a video ad calling Central Asian and Muslim peoples of the Caucasus in Russia “cockroaches that must be exterminated” while implying people should go out and shoot them.