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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2024

  • I’m not trying to get you to vote for any particular party or candidate, effectively every political party is in on the scam anyways. I’m just trying to help you, I have nothing to gain here. The people in charge are exploiting you and your friends, they’re stealing from all of us, and blaming other scapegoats for it. Don’t believe any of their bullshit, and demand a better world to live in.

  • Immigration isn’t the cause of the problems that the people of France have been facing. Reducing or ending immigration would make problems worse.

    The problem is that rich, wealthy elites control the country for their own benefit, hoarding all of the resources for themselves. Then they blame immigrants for causing the problem instead.

    If resources in france were equally distributed, everyone would have ~300,000 euros.

    You are angry at the wrong people.

  • I don’t understand why Julian Assange gets any credit for Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton, because that should clearly go towards the mainstream media.

    So much ink was wasted by the press over Hillary’s nothingburger email scandal. I think it’s something like 50 headlines in the New York Times over a single month?

    Not to mention James Coney’s part to play, basically he hates Hillary Clinton so just took any opportunity to sink her election chances. He holds much more blame for Trump’s election than Julian Assange.

    I wonder why, out of all the journalists who could be blamed for Trump, Assange gets so much more hate? I suspect a lot of it is because there’s already so much anti Assange propaganda because he damaged the hegemonic interests of the US.

  • Yeah, no wonder it was removed - entirely without citation and low relevance. To be honest, the existing line “…been criticised for its methodology” is on shaky ground, I checked the citation and I would not characterise it as a critique:

    “Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific.”

    That is the entirety of what the source says, it doesn’t go on to mention it more in later paragraphs, just that one sentence.

    CNN’s own source for that claim is a single tweet with no reactions to it whatsoever, which doesn’t feel very iron-clad to me.

    Considering the massive incentive for powerful companies and individuals to cast doubt on the veracity of media bias/fact check, it seems irresponsible to interpret the source in that way and to spread that claim as though it’s entirely watertight.

    Can I ask, why did you even post your original reply? Did you do your own fact check in January, see that paragraph, and decide to share it to discourage people from trusting the fact-checker?