You wouldn’t download a torrent
You wouldn’t download a torrent
Ah, pardon my misunderstanding. I thought the two paragraphs weren’t related.
I know this isn’t necessarily helpful, but 404media has an account wall, not a paywall. You authenticate by email without a password.
Get them a magic painting book.
They are black and white illustrations that have the ink in the black parts. The kid takes a brush with some water and scribbles to create color. It’s just perfect for that age, and it’s not more junk that the parents need to collect.
Source: have toddler under two and friends with babies that just turned 2.
My wife calls these her “high games”:
Trending posts is not a recommendation algorithm, in my opinion. I think the slope stops at curation (interests-based algorithms targeted at specific users).
I.e. reddit homepage is now curated, Lemmy sorting methods are not.
Rtfm is so unhelpful even when it is correct.
I guess it’s a teach a person to fish mantra, but still.
1 or 2, watch tonnes of porn
I can’t believe all the warning signs
These are exactly my cats minus the 4 year age gap, surreal.
Idea: script that connects and disconnects from a VPN over and over at set intervals to send “fuck you” in Morse.
Are you American?
I was making a subtle multiple votes joke, glad you caught on :)
Vote early, vote often
I was going to post this exactly. Stop hurting your gums OP!
one always thinks of a plurality of people
Speak for yourself! I don’t immediately think plural when “they” is used.
There are also nasal sprays that are supposed to aid in the blocking of respiratory viruses. Pair that with a mask. Breath as slowly as possible (no gasps, laughs, or yawns) and only through your nose.