• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I worked at a gas station for years in a poor town and I bought and sold several used computers that sometimes ended up being stolen. I always did my best to make sure that didn’t happen. I’d check the personal info on the drives before I’d clear them and try to get up with the people who originally owned them. I probably returned at least 15 of them over the years.

    It’s crazy to think that I could have ended up being charged with murder if I had been pulled over with some shit in my car.

    One time I got a sob story, “I lost my job bro. You can get my Xbox 360, my tv, my laptop, and all these games right now for 100 bucks.” I lost that 100 bucks because I contacted the Xbox account and found that the stuff had all been stolen and I returned it. Imagine if someone had killed someone to get that stuff and I got pulled over with it.

    They gave me a cheap guitar for returning it. They didn’t have to do that and I’ve always appreciated it. It’s risky being in a poor town and buying things for resell.

  • Your comment made me go and buy it for my Steam deck. Even knowing what is coming I’m having a blast 11 years later. I have already bawled my eyes out and I’ve forgotten enough that I can’t wait to get into it fully again.

    Thank you.

    Please play it. Seriously. Do it for me and come back to me. If I wasn’t so damn poor I’d buy it for you. If nothing else watch the opening part on YouTube and see if it doesn’t hook you.

  • Yes! This is how it felt to me. I would have been almost as happy just to see it as an animated movie. It was amazing and took games as a whole forward, and you knew it within the first few minutes of playing it. Like, I legit felt like that was the moment that games truly crossed over into art. That is kind of an exaggeration, but not by a lot. Damn I want to buy it and play it on my Steam deck haha. I still have my ps3 copy but no ps3.

  • Oh my god you’re missing it. It isn’t a survival game. It is a masterpiece of story telling.

    I haven’t played it since the month it was released, but thinking about it still makes the hairs on my arms stand up. Within 5 minutes of playing the game I was on an emotional rollercoaster. It might be the only game I ever played that hit me that hard, with Red Dead 2 trailing it by a mile despite being the best game I’ve played in years.

    You are cheating yourself if you never play it. I do not like survival games either, at all. Not even a little bit. The Last of Us might be the greatest game ever made.

  • Being in school was wild when that happened. My school banned baggy pants over night and required us to carry clear backpacks. We weren’t allowed to carry more than the book we needed for the next class, and cameras went up.

    I was overheard telling a friend (jokingly) that I was going to kill myself if I had to take another timed test. Police showed up soon after and handcuffed me. Some girl overheard me and swore I said I was going to kill other people. Luckily one of the officers was from my neighborhood and believed me, but I was still suspended and he drove me home.

    You know what really sucks though? All these years later and people are still terrified. Last week I woke up a few minutes after my teenage daughter got on the bus, my wife said, “Maybe you should go get her. Someone has threatened to shoot up the school.” I drove over and got her, fortunately the officer guarding the door just let her leave with me and was understanding. A day later and another threat hits. Someone says they’re going to shoot up the pep rally. I didn’t send her to school. Two unexcused absences in one week at the beginning of the school year over that shit.

    She did online school last year and it was a nightmare, but I’m all over the place on that right now. I want her to be able to make friends and things. It wasn’t healthy for her last year. I only did that because her mom had recently died and I wanted to give her a break from everything.

    I guess some kids thought it would be funny to do that last week. I just wish no one had to take them seriously.

  • theangryseal@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldBe careful.
    14 days ago

    Haha, god I loved doing this on Counter-Strike. “Did you guys hear about the hidden tit pics in counter strike? No shit, hold alt and press f4 and it shows the best tits I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how game developers get away with this stuff.”

    Half the lobby is gone, the other half is laughing.

  • I don’t know why, but this reminded me of one of the absolute worst moments of my life.

    I was bullied as a kid, and when middle school hit I wasn’t keen on dressing out for gym in front of those bullies. My gym teacher was probably the biggest dick on planet earth and every three days he’d suspend me for three days for not dressing out. I was suspended for most of 6th grade.

    My mom had had enough and threatened me, “I swear to you, if you get suspended one more time over a zero in gym class I will throw your Nintendo 64 in the creek. I mean it!”

    Guess what my dumb ass did? I left my gym clothes at home. I was fucking desperate and I went around begging everyone I knew, “can I please borrow your gym clothes?” I finally managed to trade a copy of Donkey Kong Country and 10 dollars for a copy of Extreme G and as a bonus I could borrow dude’s gym clothes.

    He handed them to me in a plastic grocery bag and I raced off to gym class. That big, tall, bald bastard of a gym teacher said, “I guess it’s time for your suspension, eh Grassman?” “No sir, I’m dressing out!”(He called me Grassman because I forgot my flag football things and used big giant blades of grass).

    I ran back to the boys locker room and slid those clothes from the bag. Oh. My. God!

    The smell of axe body spray, ass, and armpits hit me like a ton of bricks. I powered through it, put on the nasty ass shirt, and vomited in my mouth. I just couldn’t bring myself to put the shorts on. I was nearly in tears because I knew I was doomed. I put my clothes back on and I could still smell it on me. I walked out and tried to explain it to the asshole. Nope. Suspended.

    I really did think my mom was going to throw my N64 in the creek. She didn’t, thank goodness. Instead she got really pissed and called the school. When I got back I was called to the office and the principal asked me to explain why I had been suspended so many times. He then called Mr. Bald asshole into the office and let him have it for suspending me so many times over not dressing out. “You are denying this young man an education entirely because of gym?” I’d love to have been a fly on the wall after he sent me to class.

    I happily took my zeros after that and slept on the bleachers. 1st period was my nap period.

    I will never forget that smell though. I can still smell it, seriously. It hit me so hard that 28 years later, I can still smell it. Gah.

  • My cat wanders around hissing at anything that moves and threatens the family all day. She’s a devil, except for when she isn’t. That’s at the same time every day, first thing in the morning. She gets on my lap and gives me love and won’t leave me alone or stop following me. Around 10:00 though, every morning, she’s right back to contemplating the murder of every other living thing in the house.

  • The whole “small town on the edge of dying” bit. Holy shit have I experienced that firsthand.

    See, what happened with a lot of these towns is that their industry became a part of their pride and culture. Where I’m from it’s coal. Trucks everywhere have a decal of a coal miner with one of two phrases. “Coal keeps the lights on.” and “6 inches from hell.”

    My grandfather was a coal miner, so was his father, and his father, on both sides of my family. My father realized that the industry was dying so he left (and left us here haha). My brother did it for awhile but left it behind because of the drug problems in the mines. There was a whole underground urine market that kept things moving.

    Even the poor fools who never worked in the mines go on and on about coal like it’s some kind of idol.

    I would imagine the same thing happens in other places. The people fear big changes until their fear backs them into irrelevance. I’m getting older, so I can relate to that, only I vote for my kids, not to make me feel less afraid. Whatever world they grow up in won’t be one that I’d be perfectly comfortable in. It has always been that way as far back as we have been recording history. No sense in fighting where the world is going just because I don’t understand it or relate to it.