• 1 Post
Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024

  • For me in a big city it’s the annoyance of always being a part of the crowd. My free time is the same as everyone else’s now so traffic is always terrible on my days off (weekends), stores are always packed before/after work. Even walking my dogs becomes annoying because every other dog in the neighborhood is outside too.

    Thankfully I work from home so I try to get out and walk the dog during lunch; if I have any errand to run I can just take my lunch later when everyone else has gone back to the office.

    The other hard part for me is the afternoons; they drag on endlesssly. As a night person waking up in the morning was just killer, but I’ve finally adapted after… 10 years.

  • Are you familiar with web development by chance? Can you see anything in your browser’s developer tools like failed XHR/fetch requests? I’m kind of wondering if they’re doing something specific since you said traffic is flowing as expected on other websites.

    If your VPN exits from a datacenter (common with VPN and cloud providers) it could be that while their website wasn’t smart enough to block you, the server the content streams from is and is refusing to stream the content. This would probably show up as a failure in the developer tools (HTTP 401 Unauthorized, some JSON with an error, etc).