I watched “Dark Matter” on apple-tv. Expected lame-ass speudo-science bullshit-bingo with bad acting but got a short series with some surprises, interesting takes, smooth story-telling and only little bad acting :D
Would give it a 7 out of 10 and would recommend if you are into easy-to-follow sciency drama stuff.
I have a friend that lives on a farm. He told me they have had issues with rats one summer. Pest control didn’t help much.
So, his dad catched a live rat and but it on a bbq. That poor thing must have screeched like crazy. My friend said it was hard to witness.
The rats they had must have thought the same. Most of them left. The problem was solved.
So, if it needed a well documented case of a anti-vaxxer having a slow and painful death, and showing it on youtube or tictoc or insta to drop the number of anti-vaxxers from 30% to even only 20%, i think, overall, society would be better off and this one humans life was well spend, saving so many after it.
No, no /s. I dont condone violence. This is a “what if” thought experiment.