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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Now, in a scenario where they are about to commit violence, or the justice system has failed, the balance may be different

    Left your reading comprehension at home?

    The argument I was supporting is that you don’t have carte blanche to do whatever you want to intolerant people. The argument I am making is that you have a moral obligation to rely on the law first because that IS the social contract. Not because the law would punish you for it.

    Not all police are the same everywhere, but regardless, you can’t just stab people who are being racist.

  • But there’s an important difference between allowing intolerance, and letting the legal system be the arbiter of how it should be disallowed.

    Vigilante justice not only deprives the perpetrator of their right to a fair trial and proportionate punishment (yes, being intolerant does not deprive you of your human rights) but also denies the victims their right to see the perpetrator receive justice.

    YOU do not get to be the arbiter of justice, just because you think someone is a terrible person. Maybe they’re mentally ill. Maybe they have dementia. Maybe they’re also a victim of abuse.

    Document the incident, protect and comfort the victim, contact the police and allow actual justice to take place.

  • Let’s go look at your comment history and check, shall we?

    Defending yourself and launching invasions or orchestrating soldiers are two different things

    It’s not defending yourself if you have an army! What a great take 👍

    it sounds like the government is giving out plans and commanding the army. The government of ukraine and people from ukraine are two different things. When people ask what’s the alternative to send billions to the ukrainian government what they need to understand is that people can defend themself even without an authority on top of them playing war games with soldiers and possibly forcing conscript to go on missions

    Oh, why did Ukraine never consider magically winning the war by sheer willpower instead of this “having an army” nonsense, smart!

    I’m not twisting anything. Context matters, and the context of your post was you throwing a tantrum after around 10 different Lemmy users calling out your bad takes.

    If you believe not being drafted blah blah blah

    That’s not what I said at all, mere moments after you accused me of “twisting” what you said. What I said, louder for the people in the back is BEING UNABLE TO FIGHT BACK IN THE ENEMY’S TERRITORY, BEING DISALLOWED TO RECEIVE FOREIGN AID AND BEING DISALLOWED TO FORM AN ACTUAL ARMY is the equivalent of rolling over and dying.

  • The issue, from what I can tell, is that the question you’ve asked here doesn’t match the argument you just had in comments of a post about about the Ukraine war. The argument you were trying to make is not “war bad”, but specifically that Ukraine’s counteroffensive is bad. You were additionally arguing that it is morally reprehensible for other countries to provide economic support to Ukraine rather than leaving them to “defend themselves”.

    There’s a few important details that such an argument (intentionally) ignores.

    • This invasion was not a choice between war or no war. It was simply a decision between locations that battles take place. It is entirely legitimate for Ukraine to pursue a counteroffensive strategy into russian territory if it believes it to be a more effective military strategy than defensive attritional warfare within their own borders.
    • The fact that combat is taking place in Russian territory doesn’t change the fact that the war itself is a defensive war against an aggressor with overtly territorial/imperialist goals.
    • As far as I am aware, the units involved in the counteroffensive are exclusively non-drafted volunteer units.
    • Cessation of funding to Ukraine would lead to their imminent loss. The fact that they have been able to innovate cheaper strategies like domestic drone usage doesn’t change the fact that war is extremely expensive and technology dependent, and their economy is dwarfed by that of Russia’s.

    The combination of your proposals that Ukraine should not proactively fight back, and that they should lose access to the resources that would allow them to continue to defend their territory end us meaning that Ukraine would not be able to effectively defend itself.

    From reading your comments alongside this post, it seems that the title should actually be “how do you make someone understand that rolling over and dying is good”, to which the answer is “oh fuck off mate”

  • Though it is worth noting that the original commenter very nearly hit on an important point: the vaccines are not accessible enough to communities in Africa, especially in the poorest - often the most impacted - regions.

    Mpox is something we could have stopped long ago with a better system of distributing/purchasing vaccines, like with tuberculosis.

    It is true that when these diseases reach Europe, North America and East Asia, these medicines suddenly start being distributed far more effectively, since that’s where most of the companies that manufacture them are based, and since the countries there are wealthy enough to effectively do so, but only now that it’s an Us Problem™️