4 months agoI recently started using Brave Browser as I noticed YouTube ads were starting to seep through randomly. Seems alright no far.
I recently started using Brave Browser as I noticed YouTube ads were starting to seep through randomly. Seems alright no far.
All Hearthian interlopers would be proud.
Finally CvS2 with online! The rest are awesome as well but I’m primarily pumped for CvS2! This is true kind were making!!
Ad Block Plus Chrome extension still works perfectly for me.
Fixed the links everyone! Sorry!
For any metal/rock music, I use getmetal.club
For comics I use getcomics.org
EDIT: took away the www, and actually spelt “get” right which should fix the links. Sorry everyone!
Spitting image of our cat Beau who passed last year. He’s pretty damn cute!!