I get that the point is inflation, but why eggs? If they went to $12/dozen, it would cost me like $4 extra dollars per week.
I get that the point is inflation, but why eggs?
It’s because the current avian flu, chicken and egg farms are having to kill a metric fuck ton of their chickens. 😢 Meanwhile spray tan is already vowing to gut the CDC and leave WHO.
maybe if we just stop testing for avian flu it will go away
/s just to be sure
You know, if you spent your entire life living underground and never saw the sky, you’d never worry about silly little things like asteroids crashing into the planet and killing everyone.
It doesn’t mean you’ll survive any better, you just get to die ignorant.
I’m sure the entire problem is government over-regulation. If we fire half the cdc and not allow them to use the word “gender”, they won’t be ble to enforce regulations and the price will come down
That is 100% how he’ll deal with egg prices, if he ever cares enough to pretend to help the common man.
Jokes aside, over here in Europe a dozen large eggs cost between 5.16 and 7.80 € (for cheap barn eggs and pricey organic eggs respectively. Cage eggs have been outlawed for quite some years already)
Have you actually seen what a cage-free barn is like? They still spend their entire lives touching at least one other individual, choking on ammonia, never seeing the sky, never expressing any of their natural behaviors. There is no compassionate advantage to cage-free vs caged as it is practiced in the UK.
Wait… I thought it was because of Biden.
Who do you think infected the chickens?
Asintomatic avian flu chickens are being sacrificed? Poor creatures.
Realistically, how can you control the spread? Even assuming there are treatments, in what world is it practical to provide repeated direct medical attention to millions of chickens?
When our household was at full bore with the kids home, we could go through three dozen per week. It’s not just eating them, it’s cooking. Two eggs for a some cake, brownies, etc. one day of french toast (not doing that into the foreseeable future), if I did breakfast with eggs it would take anywhere from 6 to 10.
At our height of consumption we had four teenage boys, one teenage girl and a 10 year old who could out eat anyone at the table.
I’m just fortunate that our kids are mostly grown, but now they’re struggling to keep food on their own tables.
I actually kept a small flock of chickens for a while because we would go through so many eggs.
I have two boys. I can’t imagine feeding twice that!
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge.
So about 336 and 420 a week, respectively
I see you’ve got biceps to spare.
About 12 every 2 days on my keto diet. I buy 18packs for like $5
There! I’ve been looking for a demographic upon which to lay blame, and here you are!
Keto!?! It’s been the keto bros all along? Hoarding all those delicious eggs for your own woke ass diet? No wonder eggs are so pricey.
Jk. Good luck with the diet though. And try not to fart in any enclosed spaces!
What’s your favorite way to prepare the eggs?
Favorite way, steamed. Eggs are delicate and deserve to be treated like it.
I’m waiting for the day I can try making chowanmushi.
Yeah. We made a lot of egg bites when we were low carbing. Probably need to go back to that.
Eggs because:
Vance gave a quote bashing the price of eggs, but he cited a number much higher than the sign he was standing next to.
Dems pounced on this, mocking the blatant exaggeration and dismissing any concerns about a cost of living crisis.
It stuck around because it’s emblematic of the overall situation:
Repubs don’t give a shit about facts, just vibes, and wanna paint as dark of a picture as possible.
Dems only care about being correct on paper, and don’t give a shit about listening to the problems of ordinary people or doing anything that could be called “radical”.
It’s not just inflation. Eggs are experiencing a supply problem due to avian flu.
8-12. They
arewere inexpensive, versatile protein.I don’t really eat eggs. I have ducks that lay eggs and if I really want some, I eat what they produce. I might try selling their eggs as a side hustle but a lot of people are grossed out by the concept of eating duck eggs for some reason lol
How are they compared to chicken eggs?
Richer flavor, they have higher levels of fat and protein. I much prefer them to chicken eggs.
Mostly yolk, a richer flavor, and GREAT for baked goods. My girls are a variety of breeds, so I get an assortment of different sizes. Used to get blue eggs from my mallard until she stopped laying when she hit duck menopause lol
About 14. I’m not particularly price-sensitive about it given the absolute cost is low relative to many food options.
Eggs keep getting cited by people trying to blame their political opponents for increases in food prices because they have increased to about 2.5x from five years ago, which is a bigger increase than most foods. The bulk of the increase is due to the ongoing bird flu outbreak, but that fact doesn’t seem to have great distribution among the general public.
I haven’t eaten eggs in a decade, they’re surprisingly easy to avoid.
Username does not check out
There are vegan egg substitutes like a flax egg. Here’s my favorite waffle/pancake recipe.
My pancakes never use eggs, but waffles so.
It’s been 6 years for me, but at my peak I used to eat 2 every morning for breakfast.
At one point I looked at all the eggs and chicken breast I was eating by being “healthy” and realized it was not in any way rational or sustainable. How could one person (myself) be responsible for the death of one chicken and two chicks PER DAY! I imagined what it would look like to stuff all those birds into my living room and how there’s no way I could farm something on that scale myself (or want to).
So I switched to a vegan diet and never went back. My personal morals tell me I shouldn’t eat animal products, but for the average person who doesn’t agree I can understand why consumption is through the roof. This separation we have of living creatures into commodities, all behind a legally protected black curtain.
When all that’s talked about is how much per dozen, your mind never really stops to think about the rest.
Commercial eggs aren’t fertilized, when we had chickens we had no rooster and still the hens popped out about one egg per day. That’s why chicken eggs are “eggs”, generally speaking. Not saying they are ethical by whatever standard you are using just that they wouldn’t have turned into a chicken ever.
Sure commercial eggs aren’t, but they’re supposed to be. Egg laying takes a toll on the hens and the conditions they’re kept in are deplorable.
Still, thank you for adding clarification. Education is never bad.
Don’t forget that most baked goods and other foods rely heavily on the eggs in their recipes. Most food sectors are affected.
??? Did you mean to say eggs instead of gas?
It’s possible premade baked goods will switch to substitutes. And if those substitutes turn out to be cheaper, then the egg industry is really screwed.
lol yes, eggs not gas. My bad!
Yes, but the fixation on the price of a dozen…
Family of four. We probably go through 10 to-12 eggs a day much of the time. Scrambled eggs, French toast, homemade bread, cookies, pancakes, frittatas, huevos rancheros tacos… It adds up. I recently started buying the 18-egg packs because it’s more cost-effective.
Same same. Family of 4, we use a bit over a dozen if I dont make quiche, 18 if I do.
As many as possible. It’s one of the perks of my new job, free eggs.
I didn’t know there was afree egg job. Farm? Breakfast restaurant?
breakfast restaurant indeed
It’s not inflation, it’s bird flu reducing supply.
It’s a combination of greedflation and bird flu. It’s amazing we still don’t have an RNA vaccine for livestock yet.
It’s almost like the president doesn’t directly control the prices of things like gas and eggs. Looking at you “I did this” sticker gang…
You’re right that it’s principally bird flu, but it’ll still count towards inflation. CPI – what people are typically referring to when they say “inflation” – has a basket of goods which I strongly suspect includes eggs. If the price goes up, that’s inflation.
goes to check
Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs
Though that whole category, which is not egg-exclusive, only makes up 1.737% of the weighting for the basket. So it’s not as significant as, say, the cost of housing in calculating inflation.
Yes, it counts toward inflation. The price is not caused by inflation. At least not significantly.
Yeah, but mostly it’s something to yell about on tv and ‘news’ radio to distract us from what’s really going on.
According to this, as of 2019 – which is a couple years back, though probably good if you want a pre-avian-flu number – Americans had a per-capita rate of 279 eggs consumed a year, up 16 percent over the twenty years prior.
EDIT: according to this, numbers are about the same in 2023, dipped a little bit over the past couple years, but looks like there’s a pretty low price elasticity of demand.
In 2023, consumption of eggs in the United States was estimated at 281.3 per person. This figure was projected to reach 284.4 eggs per capita by 2024.
EDIT2: On a non-statistical note, eggs are goddamn delicious.
We use 4 every weekend for breakfast tacos and sometimes one or two more for fried rice or baking. I really don’t love the texture or smell. A few times per year i boil some just for something different.