Always thought I wouldn’t like it and didn’t see the point.

And then I got some nice decaf beans and holy shit. This is great. I can have coffee in the evening now as a beverage to enjoy.

I know this is obvious. But if you like speciality coffee, and you wish you could drink more without a panic attack, then I think trying some decaf roasts is a big brain move.

Now whipping out the Aeropress in the evening is my highlight.

I think when I last looked at decaf it was basically just the supermarket brands and the coffee sucked (cause it was supermarket coffee). Now that I’m looking around there is a decaf roast at almost all local roasters.

    1 month ago

    I’m fascinated by this because I recently stopped having coffee in favour of tea. For a day or so I got the worst withdrawal headache, but now I’m sleeping better and I feel more settled during the day.

    I miss the flavour of coffee, but also the problem is obviously not just the caffeine, since tea also has that. Does anyone know if decaf coffee removes whatever it is in coffee specifically that causes these withdrawals?

      1 month ago

      Tea has theanine which sort of counteracts the effect of caffeine, which is why tea generally has a milder effect. In theory if you switch to decaf coffee long enough you shouldn’t get withdrawals (which is dependent on the concentration/frequency of caffeine use).