There once was a prankster named Horace, who thought the stage play was quite borious. He conspired to seat, those whom’s heads were shaved neat, and reflected a swear off their foreheads.
My favorite part of this is the way you made me pronounce forehead in my head. Like far-eds. I don’t know how to spell it out, but it was very Yankee, and that was a treat for my southern brain
There once was a prankster named Horace,
who thought the stage play was quite borious.
He conspired to seat,
those whom’s heads were shaved neat,
and reflected a swear off their foreheads.
My favorite part of this is the way you made me pronounce forehead in my head. Like far-eds. I don’t know how to spell it out, but it was very Yankee, and that was a treat for my southern brain