Inspired by the linked XKCD. Using 60% instead of 50% because that’s an easy filter to apply on rottentomatoes.
I’ll go first: I think “Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows” was awesome, from the plot to the characters ,and especially how they used screen-play to highlight how Sherlocks head works in these absurd ways.
I just looked up Event Horizon and it only got a 33%. I love that movie. It genuinely really creeped me out. Few horror films do.
Just goes to show you some people (critics) have no taste. That movie was awesome!
As always, it has to be kept in mind how the RT scores work. It doesn’t aggregate scores, it just aggregates if the review is positive or negative.
A movie with hundred critics saying “Yeah, the movie is fine I guess” will score higher than a movie with 90 of those critics saying “This is the best movie I’ve ever seen!” and 10 of them not really feeling it.
The concept of mass critic aggregation also just has fundamental problems compared to following and learning the tastes of a specific critic, in order to evaluate their review.
Right? It also got a 61% audience score, which I found surprising. I always hear good things about it from people.
It is a horror movie so that could put a lot of folks off, especially with some of the imagery. That’s one of my favorites but just a theory on why others may not like it.
I love the dismissal of critics as a while because a movie you like scored low. It’s a good creepy movie but it’s no that good of a movie overall. It’s very cheesy, the dialogue is poor, the story is minimal. It’s got great creeps though.
Check out Pandorum if you haven’t already. I think about that movie a lot.
I watched that thinking it was just sci-fi while high as a kite in my teens.
I’m still not over it.
My bro-in-law and I sat down to watch it thinking we’d get a good laugh out of it. After it was done, we just sat there for a while in silence.
That is absurd! Event Horizon is the only legit Doom movie. That was the idea all along and they even used the sound clip from the spawn cube in the movie.
Also, although I am not a 40k fan, I know some people see this as a prequel to Warhammer 40k as the moment in which humans first get to use the Warp.
It was ruined by execs, but it is a masterpiece, especially in the production design.
What? I still hold that movie as the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. It grips me just thinking about some scenes. It’s an amazing movie. Can’t believe the score
Good choice. For all the flaws the film might have, it perfectly accomplishes what it sets out to do: it genuinely fucking scares you.
I remember feeling like that about “the Sphere” which came out the year after and has 13% on rotten tomatoes. I really liked it.
Indeed, that movie is actually scary! Like proper scary, not how most movies are.
And there was a lot of cut content that was even crazier than what made it into the released film:
JFC. I wish I could have seen some of that. I think. Maybe.
Yeah, on the one hand it’s absolutely wild and uses an incredible amount of unique work. On the other hand, it’s absolutely wild and genuinely meets expectations for a portal to hell.
I’d probably want to see the full cut, eventually, but it’d definitely be an event.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Sure it’s campy and way over the top. But I kinda like it for that. Plus the characters are awesome, the designs were pretty cool, and Sean Connery was great. Currently at 17% on rt.
How in the world is that 17%? TIL I also like unpopular movies.
Connery literally retired because of it lol
Turned down Gandalf to do that. Hilarious.
I genuinely loved that movie. Watched it as a kid, got the DVD as I got older, downloaded the torrent when I was in college, watched it with friends for movie nights.
I had no idea it was supposed to be bad! I loved the weird fusion of camp, bizarre situations, and genuine action. Although I did have to chuckle at one of the reviews criticizing its CGI, written twelve years after the movie came out.
Okay, it’s not a great movie, but it’s definitely fun enough to warrant more than a 17%
Dammit, you can’t submerge the Nautilus in Venice’s Grand Canal! It’s only a few meters deep!
It was great up until the last 15 minutes, I remember. And it was beautifully artful. But I was a bit colored by the comics, the villain and his motives was just so much better there.
Constantine - 46%
Predator - 34%
Ghost in the Shell - 43%
Hellboy - 17%
Robocop (2016) - 49%
Well, it seems like I have poor taste in movies after all.
Constantine is an awesome movie.
Yeah. I don’t understand why it doesn’t get a lot more attention as one of the early solidly made comic book movies.
I liked Hellboy
I loved Ron Perlman’s Hellboy, but the Hellboy 2019 movie was the best. Felt more like a comicbook pulp story and less of a 2000-ish action comedy. But the public and critics has spoken; if it ain’t a standard superhero action comedy flick, it is a “soulless” reboot.
David Harbour had the potential to be a better Hellboy than Perlman, but the rest of the movie was … really not very good – in pacing, characters, or effects.
If you want a mash-up horror movie that’s more fun than the critics said, go for the 2004 Van Helsing.
I loved Van Helsing. It was seriously brain dead entertainment but action was great and the effects were good. I loved The Brothers Grimm, that came out the year after, better though. Horror movie, comedy, action. I passed that movie over back then because of the critics, so took a few more years until I actually got to see it.
Ghost in the Shell (2017) was quite good.
Loved the characters, but the movie plot felt like a clipshow of a bigger plot that didn’t fit into 2 hours. I haven’t watched the anime but it probably was.
That’s exactly what it was. They just lifted their favorite parts from multiple different iterations of the story. The original movie and the original TV show, mainly. But those two don’t even canonically fit together.
It was a jumbled mess and it sucked. The original anime, its sequel, and the original TV show are all fantastic, however.
Watch the anime, everything that was great in the 2016 version is a bow to the “original”. And I actually think Johansson was a great cast for the film. The way she moves is so totally Major Kusanagi.
Predator came out in 1986 I think. But I totally agree about Constantine and Robocop 2016, I liked those a lot.
Yeah. Robocop 2016 is so good. I get that it’s different, and it’s reboot no one asked for.
But it’s also a solid movie.
I believe they’re referring to “The Predator” from 2018 (because why should movies have logical titles) where the aliens are here to
harvest autism from our children before climate change destroys humanity.
I wish I were joking.
I was not aware of that. Oh dear, that sounds like the kind of plot studio execs would come up with in the 80’s while high on coke, except they are all woke now.
I’m on your team for that.
Wow, those are some hot takes, those movies are great
I lived Hellboy, and 83% of people can suck it.
And Constantine… I could watch that movie monthly for the foreseeable future and be happy.
Hellboy is amazing how the hell is it that low?!
They mean the 2019 David Harbour Hellboy.
The 2004 Ron Perlman one is at 82%.
I kind of agree with the hate for the live action ghost in the shell. SJH was overused for a while.
Grandma’s Boy is a perfect stoner comedy. Featuring Nick Swardson in a hilarious breakout performance. RT can kiss 15% of my ass.
I’m thinking about getting metal legs. It’s a risky operation but it will be worth it.
I vote Freddie got Fingered as the only better stoner comedy.
Or comedy overall.
It’s one of the best movies.
Nothing can hurt me in my CHEESE HELMET!
I love that I see you everywhere and am graced by this approval uwu
Fuck RT, imdb it’s over 7. That’s really high for a comedy to be honest. One of my favorites and has rewatchability.
This one of my all-time favourite movies
That movie is hilarious sober!
But why?
Titan A.E. only got a 50% and it is incredible and still holds up!
Hook with it’s 29% tomatometer rating. Dustin Hoffman—sexual misconduct allegations aside—fucking nailed it as Hook, and I think the general concept of an adult Peter Pan returning was pretty cool. Also, who doesn’t love Robin Williams? It was a movie I loved in my childhood so I am absolutely biased, but 29% seems absurd. I still find the “Don’t try to stop me, Smee” scene hilarious to this day.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998), starring Johnny Depp sitting at a blasphemous 50%
looks it up
…BUT WHY?! It’s so good!I’m genuinely shocked. It’s a great film that perfectly captures the feel of the book
Wow, 50% for Fear and Loathing is absolutely criminal. It’s what made me aware of Hunter S. Thompson in the first place—and it prompted me to delve into his other works. It also deepened my appreciation for Transmetropolitan’s Spider Jerusalem, who was blatantly inspired by him.
I tend to like sci-fi in this category such as Stargate, Dune (1984), and the Riddick films.
TRON Legacy is my favorite of the bunch, however. Incredible soundtrack, gorgeous costume design, and plenty of character.
I really liked Tron Legacy. I keep hearing the next one in the works so cautiously awaiting to see what they release next.
If Daft Punk isn’t doing the music, I won’t even bother being interested
Didn’t Daft Punk break up last year? I guess I would suggest not even bothering with considering hopes at this point.
yup. Although with the amount of people wanting to see them in the movie, it’s possible that they still might do it with enough cash, err I mean incentives
Stargate, Dune (1984), and the Riddick films
I like those too, in particular Dune and the Chronicles of Riddick, but they all have audience scores above 60% (and Stargate and Dune are from the last millennium if we’re sticking to that requirement).
I loved the film, but I can’t think too hard about it. I treat it like a really long music video. It was such a fun watch.
TRON Legacy is one of those movies where I watch it purely for its visuals and music. It’s a let down in terms of story and action, but I stop everything to look at it when its on.
I wanted to like TRON: Legacy. I didn’t.
There’s one reason the original TRON wouldn’t play today, and it’s not the 1980s fake computer graphics. It’s the pacing. TRON is slow. There’s no jitter. It looks like a 1980s video game, not a 21st-century video game.
Or, really, just contrast the Wendy Carlos score with the Daft Punk one. The original is majestic swoops through a digital dreamscape, not jitterbug pop for robot dancers.
A thought that may help you enjoy Tron: Legacy - The pacing and style changes are meant to represent the changes in computer technology and specifically gaming, between the eras when the two films came out.
In TRON, there’s a mechanistic pacing that reflects the early computer clock cycles.
In TRON: Legacy, there’s a lot of imagery and plotting around characters trying to find peace, or achieve slowness, or even just rythm - trying to escape the attention starved modern algorithm.
Chappie (32%)
I love that movie and have seen it several times. Directed by Noel Blompkamp (District 9) and starring Die Antwoord.
It’s extremely original and entertaining sci fi.
Idiocracy is one of my favorite movies. When it came out, it was far below 50%, but after some of the things on the movie started becoming true, it became popular.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is way better than anyone gives it credit for. It’s a really fun movie.
I also really like Vanilla Sky even though critics hate it. It’s a weird but good movie.
How Equilibrium has a 40% RT rating is beyond me. It’s amazing.
The Green hornet with Seth Rogen. I genuinely like it. It’s a good movie.
Tank Girl. No one liked that movie when it came out. I left the theater with the biggest grin on my face. Absolutely awesome. Still one of my favorites.
It was completely different than the comics but it was still very fun. Especially in 1995.
Possibly Stings best villian. I love that film.
You’re not supposed to watch it sober.
You’re not supposed to watch all of it; you’re supposed to be noisily and lewdly snogging your date through most of it.
I’ll have to remember that; I only saw it just after its release and don’t remember being anything other than indifferent. I’ve never read the comic though; the author/artist of the comic is part of the duo of the Gorillas, correct?
Boondock Saints (Nov 99 is close enough). It’s such a fun movie, but only has a 27%