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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • As I stated a lot of the school shootings did not involve any children, but you want to still use the arguement of “think of the children!” Most of the shootings could not be verified to have even happened. Most of the reported shootings occured with handguns and not rifles. Most of the shootings involved drug dealing. You idiots are twisting the facts on these shootings as much as republicans twist facts on abortion and it is disgusting.

    We have a right to bear arms because ever government wants to become totalitarian and our ability to arm ourselves is the only defense when protecting our right to vote and have democracy. Why did the USSR and CCP disarm their population? Why have successful laws passed to disarm americans only been targeted at blacks and other minorities? Use your head for two fucking seconds and realize that the threat of violence is the only thing that keeps corrupt politicians honest. I am thinking of the kids and praying they still have a democratic government when I die that respects their rights.

  • I read a few studies a while back that were able to predict if a person self identified as conservative or liberal based off of their brain patterns that were measured. I believe the the distinct areas were the right amygdala (handles instictual behaviour) and the left anterior cortex (which I think was used for intepreting how others will behave). Use of one part decreased the use of the other part. Scientist were able to successfully predict the right amygdala was associated with conservatives about 85ish% and anterior cortex for self identified liberals.

    Other studies show that decreased use of the left anterior cortex is associated with childhood abuse (either physical or emotional), so it is reasonable to believe most conservatives had emotional/physical abuse during childhood that left them with an underdeveloped brain. Unfortunantly studies show there is very little that can be done to fix this deficiency once the person reaches mid to early twenties.

    I guess the point is that they are not necessarily psychopaths, but they do have defective brain processes and we should improve systems and education that will help reduce childhood abuse, and teach empathy in schools if we want to reduce the quantity of right wingers.