The shink ray from Duke Nukem 3D was a delight to use in deathmatches. Shrink your opponent and squish 'em!
Hagar from Xonotic.
Favorite? Fuck if I know
But the Gauss Cannon from DOOM 2016? Siege mode? *CHUNK* *GUNK*\ *beedleedeep* BOOOOSCHHHHHGGRRRRZZZLLLKK baron gibs everywhere The ballista from DOOM Eternal got nothing on it.
Also, there were a ton of fun guns from Bulletstorm, the game about stupid but fun guns. The quad barrel shotgun stands out in my memory quite fondly.
It’s hard to forget the amazing times to be had with the duel-wielding in Wolfenstein: The New Order. Carrying two of those semi-automatic shotguns in that game meant you could liberate nazis quite enthusiastically from their skin, blood, and organs very quickly, and very cathartically. I need to replay that game.
On the subject of nazis, I can’t forget the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from Call of Duty. Yeah, I know it’s Call of Duty, but I got to watch a dozen or so nazis’ heads explode simultaneously while they were paralyzed. That was great.
I also think there’s a very strong case to be made that the greatest gun in any FPS game is the one that drives what is arguably the greatest video game ever created: the portal gun.
Thinking about multiplayer games is a slightly different beast though.
I got so much mileage out of the Cold War in Titanfall 2 - a burst fire, energy impact-grenade launcher. It was so much fun. But moreso than that, I think I loved the Double Take - a projectile-based double-barrel DMR. It took skill to get hits and even more skill to maximize damage by getting a hit with both bullets at the same time, and while flying around the map either jumping off a wall or Spider-maning around with the best-implemented grapple hook in any multiplayer game there was nothing that felt the same.
Pistol with a pocket full of coins. Uktrakill.
Halo pistol, easy choice. Two to the body, one to the head
The Thumper from Tribes. Most people went with the Spinfusor because of the linear projectile, but once you learn to account for the arcing shots the Thumper was better.
Pissing in postal
The gravity gun in HL2 was a lot of fun
I’ve spent a lot of time with Halo 3’s Battle Rifle, it remains a favorite to this day and I was overjoyed when I finally got to combine it with a mouse
a pretty modern and mundane response but at the moment, the RM68 in Battlefield 2042. mostly because of the odd sound it makes and how solid the hit markers for it feel. it’s certainly not the best gun in the game (or any game) but it’s just nice.
The Seeker from Singularity is greatly under appreciated like the whole. It fires a steerable bullet and slows time down while doing so.
BTW, any smart asses that want to go “Well Ackchyually” that the gun shoots the whole bullet with the casing, it’s based on gyrojet guns.
I hacked the Super Shotgun in Quake II to autorepeat quickly and take clips up to 999 large instead of 20 at a time.
Gibs the Makron in about five seconds. (No not that French geezer.)
Edit: oh yeah, I did the same with the rocket launcher too. I’m not sure which of those two is my favourite.
The “huntsman” bow and arrow for the sniper in TF2.
M1 Garand in the old Call of Duty games.
Love me a quick single shot rifle and the iconic ping sound when it reloads is just chef’s kiss
I loved the kar98k even more. My friend and I would one v one on small maps only using this weapon. So much fun. And the single player sniper missions with it were great.
oof good answer
I was hoping someone would mention the disc launcher!
We used to play the shareware version on the school computers whenever we had free time. Shazbot!
We still playin its free now
In one match I got two air disc kills over 300m. I was a god damn sniper with that thing.
A feel-good lifetime memory!