The crack in the drawer front is really the icing on the cake here.
That’s not icing, that’s paint. And it’s not a cake it’s a drawer. Jesus some people on the internet are so dumb smdh
I don’t know. I’ve been fooled before… this whole thing could be a cake.
I see you’ve played draw-ee cakey before.
I enjoyed that. I’d seen the doorknob one before but not the rest
you go to shake someone’s hand, it comes off. they’re made of cake
you scream and leap into the arms of another person, you fall onto them and are covered in whipped cream. they’re also made of cake
you vomit all over yourself, the room is silent, you look at everyone in horror. they’re all made of cake
you vomit again. it’s whipped cream. you are made of cake
So I threw it on the GROUND!
That’s where they cut the whole cabinet to shrink it. You can see the cut line on the frame of the cabinet and the drawer too.
Yup. Completely the wrong approach, too.
They would have been better off making it open shelves, as it looks like it’s near a doorway or passthrough, making it open on that side rather than the side the drawer face is currently on.
Then put a slim door panel or an applique on the cabinet front side to make it look clean.
I’m sure they had a “very good reason” though.
The reason was the cabinet set came from habitat and they’re flipping this house on the cheap.
Comment still applies.
They would get more for a kitchen that’s done right, this would (rightfully) make me question all other work done.
make me question all other work done
You would be very right to do so.
Haha I thought the crack was on my phone screen
This is the malicious compliance drawer. “sure, we’ll put a drawer there you stupid fuck, no problem”
That’s where I keep my Longg Longgg Maaaaan
Lol, thank you for this
That was a wild ride.
You don’t have a spaghetti drawer?
THE knife drawer.
Don’t you just hang yours by your toilet?
Maybe that isn’t a problem
Just how many lids do you need?
Seriously, my kitchen toilet doesn’t even have a lid.
Oh hell, I visited an appartement when I was looking to rent in Paris and it had this thing, only you had to pull it forward to get to sit on it. Kitchen was crazy small too.
Nope :-D
The Ol Snicker Slicer
for those german swords that are technically knives due to their construction
Snake Prison solitary confinement (banned by Geneva Convention.)
That’s your machete drawer
I’d use it for pez
You guys don’t a have a ruler drawer in your kitchen?
I want to see in the little cupboard underneath it.
Probably great for one chopping board?
Or cookie sheets, the cupboard seems tall enough for that. The drawer is just…I’m thinking maybe a bunch of skewers. That’s it.
The drawer looks stupid. The cabinet would be great for cutting boards or cookie sheets and could use the extra height …… I’m assuming it’s useful since it doesn’t have the sides of the drawer taking up space.
Mine is just wide enough for the drawer to be useful but sometimes I want the extra height.
Often things like this are intended to be support for something else. Maybe there’s something nearby that’s hinged and can fold down on to it?
You wouldn’t bother with making it a drawer box in that case.
You might given the materials you had at hand and the apparent design of the drawer slides.
Maybe that’s the design most compatible with the available hardware.
That’s clearly the chopstick drawer
That was my first thought!
My second was, “How do you get them out?”
With another chopstick!
But how do you get that chopstick out?? There’s no beginning, it’s chopsticks all the way down!
If you run out of chopsticks, there is a way but people may look at you funny… Or pay you on OnlyChopsticks. I don’t judge.
They have to stand upright. Gotta have enough.
you put weed in there, close it and open it again.
Something like this, but for weed?
- ?
- Profit
Herb and spice drawer?
oh, its for herb alright
One drawer full of spaghetti.
Knife drawer, for someone who doesn’t own many knives
…and wants to make getting them out dangerous.
…and wants to make getting them out
Or for someone who uses a fucking katana as a kitchen knife.
“can you go get a knife out of my a knife drawer?”
“Your what”
If if you have one knife you really don’t want to mix up with the rest… I’m just saying 😏
Perhaps the poop knife…
I keep seeing laundry equipment in peoples kitchens so nothing is really off the table ;-)